首页> 外文期刊>Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus. >Urban Air Quality and Sustainable Development

Urban Air Quality and Sustainable Development


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Measurements and model simulations of air pollution in urban agglomerations and industrial places have shown high concentrations of gaseous and particulate matter pollutants such as photochemical gaseous pollutants and particulate matter.The world's urban population increased over the past 50 years with an average rate of 2.7% year~(-1).By contrast,the total world population increased with an average rate of only 1.8% year~(-1).This illustrates the increasing global importance of urban agglomerations and industrial activities,thus their growing significance for the world's air quality and climate problems.Air quality degradation in urban agglomerations and industrial sites has significant effects to human health leading to increased morbidity and mortality,to urban and regional air quality degradation and consequently to the earth's climate.
机译:对城市群和工业场所空气污染的测量和模型模拟表明,高浓度的气态和颗粒物污染物(例如光化学气态污染物和颗粒物)在过去的50年中,世界城市人口以平均每年2.7%的速度增长。 〜(-1)。相比之下,世界总人口以平均每年仅1.8%的速度增长〜(-1)。这说明了城市群和工业活动在全球范围内的重要性日益提高,因此它们对世界空气的重要性日益提高质量和气候问题。城市群和工业区的空气质量退化对人类健康有重大影响,导致发病率和死亡率增加,城市和区域空气质量退化,进而导致地球气候恶化。



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