首页> 外文期刊>Wireless personal communications: An Internaional Journal >Management System for Terminals in the Wireless B3G World

Management System for Terminals in the Wireless B3G World


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In the era of wireless communications, Beyond the 3rd Generation (B3G), a network operator (NO) should satisfy numerous requirements, namely, personalisation, context awareness, always best connectivity, ubiquitous service provision and seamless mobility. A NO can efficiently satisfy the requirements by relying on the different radio networks of its heterogeneous infrastructure, and potentially on other cooperating networks. In this respect, the NO should possess advanced management mechanisms for driving its users to the most appropriate networks that satisfy the requirements. The presentation of such a management system is the specific contribution of this paper. The system is called Reconfigurable Terminal Management System (RTMS). In general, it provides the means for profile modelling, the acquisition of monitoring/discovery/context information, and the negotiation and selection of configurations, based on information deriving from policies, as well as the profiles and the context. Our work focuses on the role and the information of the components of the RTMS. Concrete functionality for accomplishing the role is also presented. Nevertheless, the system is open to the integration of alternate functionality. Our discussion includes a business case that presents in high-level terms the role of the management system, a detailed description of the components of the management system and results that show the efficiency of the management schemes. A summary and further research challenges, conclude this article.
机译:在无线通信时代,超越第三代(B3G),网络运营商(NO)应该满足许多要求,即个性化,上下文感知,始终保持最佳连接性,无处不在的服务提供和无缝移动性。 NO可以依靠其异构基础结构的不同无线电网络,并可能依赖于其他合作网络,来有效地满足要求。在这方面,NO应该拥有先进的管理机制,以将其用户驱动到满足要求的最合适的网络。这种管理系统的介绍是本文的具体贡献。该系统称为可重配置终端管理系统(RTMS)。通常,它提供了用于概要文件建模,监视/发现/上下文信息的获取以及基于策略以及概要文件和上下文的信息的协商和选择配置的方法。我们的工作重点是RTMS组件的作用和信息。还介绍了完成角色的具体功能。尽管如此,该系统仍开放集成其他功能。我们的讨论包括一个业务案例,该案例以高级术语呈现了管理系统的角色,对管理系统组件的详细描述以及显示了管理方案效率的结果。总结本文,并提出进一步的研究挑战。




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