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Nicotinic attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder treatment


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Nicotine is not native to the human nervous system, but nicotinic receptors certainly are. Nicotine is the prototypic agonist for one of the two principal subtypes of acetylcho-line receptors. Nicotinic receptors are critical for a wide variety of neurobehavioral functions, including muscle movement (with actions in the neuromuscular junction), sympathetic and para-sympathetic responsivity (with actions in the autonomic ganglia), cognitive function (with actions in the hippocampus and frontal cortex), emotional function (with actions in the amygdala), and reward (with actions in the ventral tegmental area). Nicotine is notorious as the primary (but not only) psychoactive chemical in tobacco. Nicotine self-administration is an essential component of tobacco addiction. However, like other drugs with abuse liability, such as opiates and benzodiazepines, nicotinic drugs may have useful therapeutic applications. The article by Potter et al. (1) in this issue describes the efficacy of a novel nicotinic agonist AZD3480 in reducing an array of cognitive and emotional symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
机译:尼古丁不是人类神经系统固有的,但烟碱受体肯定是。尼古丁是乙酰胆碱受体的两种主要亚型之一的原型激动剂。烟碱受体对多种神经行为功能至关重要,包括肌肉运动(在神经肌肉连接处有作用),交感和副交感反应(在自主神经节中有作用),认知功能(在海马和额叶皮层有作用) ),情感功能(在杏仁核中起作用)和奖励(在腹侧被盖区中起作用)。尼古丁臭名昭著,是烟草中的主要(但不仅是)精神活性化学物质。尼古丁自我管理是烟草成瘾的重要组成部分。但是,像其他具有滥用责任的药物(例如鸦片和苯二氮卓类)一样,烟碱类药物可能具有有用的治疗应用。波特等人的文章。 (1)在本期中描述了新型烟碱激动剂AZD3480在减少注意力缺陷/多动症(ADHD)的一系列认知和情绪症状方面的功效。



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