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Technical Meeting On Monday February 18th, members and guests gathered to hear Mr Robert Li Rosi of Australasian Solvents and Chemicals Company P/L (ASCC) present on the topic of The Globally Harmonized System of classification and labelling of chemicals (GHS.), the talk aptly titled "The Ever Revolving Door". Robert started in the surface coatings industry in 1976 with National Paints as a lab technician, and later worked at Wattyl whilst studying part time for a Diploma in Applied Science at RMIT. In 2007, he commenced work with the Australasian Solvents & Chemicals Company (ASCC) and he is now Sales Manager - Resins. To date, he has 36 year's experience within the surface coatings industry covering technical, sales, production and management roles. The large number of attendees showed the high level of interest in this topic as the implications for, and impact on, our industry will be significant/In a strange twist of fate, the Jan/Feb issue of the Surface Coatings Journal carried a large paper on this same topic, so the contents of Roberts's presentation will not be covered in detail here, but rather a brief review of the evening will be reported.
机译:技术会议2月18日星期一,成员和嘉宾聚集一堂,听取了澳大利亚溶剂与化学公司P / L(ASCC)的Robert Li Rosi先生的演讲,主题是全球化学品统一分类和标签制度(GHS。)。演讲的标题是“永不停转”。 Robert于1976年开始在表面涂料行业工作,当时是National Paints的实验室技术员,后来在Wattyl工作,同时在RMIT学习兼职应用科学文凭。他于2007年开始在澳大利亚溶剂和化学公司(ASCC)工作,现在是树脂销售经理。迄今为止,他在表面涂料行业拥有36年的经验,涉及技术,销售,生产和管理职位。大量的与会者表明了对该主题的高度关注,因为这对我们的行业将产生重大影响。/在命运的奇怪转折中,《表面涂层杂志》的1月/ 2月号刊登了一篇大型论文。关于同一主题,因此罗伯茨的演讲内容在此不作详细介绍,而将报道当晚的简短回顾。



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