首页> 外文期刊>Theriogenology >Effects of dexamethasone treatment (to mimic stress) and Vitamin E oral supplementation on the spermiogram and on seminal plasma spontaneous lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities in dogs

Effects of dexamethasone treatment (to mimic stress) and Vitamin E oral supplementation on the spermiogram and on seminal plasma spontaneous lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities in dogs


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The objective was to determine if treatment with dexamethasone (to mimic stress) has a deleterious effect on the spermiogram and on the composition of seminal plasma in the dog and whether adverse effects were reduced by oral supplementation with Vitamin E. Eighteen adult male Rottweiler dogs were randomly allocated in a 2 x 2 factorial treatment design (with or without dexamethasone treatment versus with or without Vitamin E supplementation). Dogs in the supplemented group received 500 mg of alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E)/dog/day per os for 10 weeks. Dexamethasone (0.01 mg/kg/day i.m.) was given once daily for 7 days, starting 7 days after the onset of Vitamin E supplementation. Food intake, body condition score and body weight were assessed daily. Semen collections (digital manipulation) were performed twice weekly for 14 weeks and blood samples (for plasma concentrations of cortisol and testosterone) were collected once a week. Dexamethasone treatment significantly reduced ejaculate volume and increased thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in the seminal plasma. In contrast, supplementation with Vitamin E increased sperm motility, vigor and concentration and decreased the percentage of major sperm defects. In conclusion, dexamethasone treatment (to mimic stress) had a deleterious effect on the spermiogram and on the seminal plasma lipid peroxidation in dogs; however, some of these effects were prevented by oral supplementation with Vitamin E.
机译:目的是确定地塞米松治疗(模拟应激)是否对狗的精子图和精浆成分有有害影响,以及口服维生素E是否能减轻不良影响。18只成年雄性罗威纳犬在2 x 2析因治疗设计中随机分配(有或没有地塞米松治疗与有或没有维生素E补充治疗)。补充组中的狗每口口服500毫克的α-生育酚(维生素E)/狗/天,持续10周。从开始补充维生素E后7天开始,每天7次,每天一次地塞米松(0.01 mg / kg /天i.m.)。每天评估食物摄入量,身体状况评分和体重。每周两次进行精液收集(数字操作),持续14周,每周一次收集血液样本(用于血浆皮质醇和睾丸激素的浓度)。地塞米松治疗可显着减少精液中的射精量并增加硫代巴比妥酸反应性物质(TBARS)。相反,补充维生素E可提高精子活力,活力和浓度,并减少主要精子缺陷的百分比。总之,地塞米松治疗(模拟应激)对狗的精子图和精浆脂质过氧化具有有害作用。但是,口服维生素E可以预防其中一些影响。



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