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Optimal trade-off for Merkle tree traversal


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In this paper we describe optimal trade-offs between time and space complexity of Merkle tree traversals with their associated authentication paths, improving on the previous results of M. Jakobsson, T. Leighton, S. Micali, and M. Szydlo [Fractal Merkle tree representation and traversal, in: RSA Cryptographers Track, RSA Security Conference, 2003] and M. Szydlo [Merkle tree traversal in log space and time, in: Proc. Eurocrypt, in: LNCS, vol. 3027, 2004, pp. 541-554; Merkle tree traversal in log space and time, Preprint version 2003, available at http://www.szydlo.com]. In particular, we show that our algorithm requires 2 log n/log^(3) n hash function computations and storage for less than (log n/ log^(3) n + 1) log log n + 2 log n hash values, where n is the number of leaves in the Merkle tree. We also prove that these trade-offs are optimal, i.e. there is no algorithm that requires less than O(log n/ log t) time and less than O(t log n/ log t) space for any choice of parameter t ≥ 2. Our algorithm could be of special interest in the case when both time and space are limited.
机译:在本文中,我们描述了Merkle树遍历的时间和空间复杂度之间的最佳权衡及其相关的验证路径,并改进了M. Jakobsson,T。Leighton,S。Micali和M. Szydlo的先前结果[分形Merkle树表示法和遍历,见:RSA Cryptographers Track,RSA Security Conference,2003年; M。Szydlo [Merkle树遍历在日志空间和时间中,见:Proc。 Eurocrypt,刊于:LNCS,第1卷。 3027,2004,541-554页;在日志空间和时间中遍历Merkle树,预印本2003版,可在http://www.szydlo.com上找到]。特别是,我们证明了我们的算法需要进行2 log n / log ^(3)n个哈希函数计算和存储,以存储少于(log n / log ^(3)n + 1)log log n + 2 log n个哈希值,其中n是Merkle树中的叶子数。我们还证明了这些折衷方案是最优的,即对于任何参数t≥2的选择,没有算法需要少于O(log n / log t)时间且少于O(t log n / log t)空间。在时间和空间都受到限制的情况下,我们的算法可能会引起特别关注。



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