
The mother-in-law effect


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Individuals often derive considerable evolutionary benefit from manipulating others. In the majority of cases, manipulation involves direct interactions between individuals. In the dung beetle, Onthophagus taurus, females mated with large males provide more resources to their offspring. Here, we demonstrate, however, that this may result in manipulation that extends across generations: the care that a mother provides to a developing son influences the parental effort of his mate (the mother's daughter-in-law (DIL)). Maternal care associated with constructing heavier brood masses has previously been shown substantially to influence offspring size, male mating success and female survival and fecundity in this species. The mother-in-law effect that we document here is, however, the ability to produce large sons from relatively lighter brood masses. Our results demonstrate not only that females are able to manipulate the parental effort of DILs that they do not directly encounter, but that provisioning relatively lighter brood masses may have evolutionary benefits that trade off against the considerable benefits of producing heavy brood masses. [References: 20]
机译:个人经常从操纵他人中获得可观的进化利益。在大多数情况下,操纵涉及个人之间的直接交互。在the虫(Onthophagus taurus)中,雌性与雄性交配会为其后代提供更多资源。然而,在这里,我们证明了这可能导致跨代的操纵:母亲对发育中的儿子的照顾会影响其配偶(母亲的s妇)的父母努力。以前已经证明,与建立较重的群体有关的产妇保健会实质上影响该物种的后代大小,雄性交配成功率以及雌性存活率和繁殖力。但是,我们在此处记录的婆mother效应是能够从相对较轻的群体产生较大的儿子的能力。我们的结果表明,不仅雌性能够操纵她们没有直接遇到的DIL的父母努力,而且提供相对较轻的亲鱼群可能具有进化上的好处,而这与生产沉重的亲鱼群的可观好处不谋而合。 [参考:20]



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