首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Queen and worker policing in monogynous and monandrous colonies of a primitively eusocial wasp

Queen and worker policing in monogynous and monandrous colonies of a primitively eusocial wasp


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Kin-selection theory predicts that a worker prefers to produce her own sons in a colony with monandry and monogyny because relatedness to her sons (0.5) and nephews (0.375) exceeds that to brothers (0.25). In spite of this prediction, recent studies reveal that workers police each other (mutual-worker egg removal) even in monandrous and monogynous colonies. We conducted field and laboratory studies to evaluate queen and worker policing in queen-right colonies of the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes chinensis antennalis. Genetic studies using microsatellite markers, as well as extensive observations of natural colonies, revealed that both queen and workers removed both queen- and worker-laid eggs in monogynous and monandrous colonies. The queen's eggs survived to hatching more successfully than those of the workers (88.5% versus 1.4%). We discuss the likely factors to explain these worker-policing behaviours.
机译:亲属选择理论预测,一个工人倾向于在一个单亲和一夫一妻制的殖民地中生产自己的儿子,因为与儿子(0.5)和侄子(0.375)的亲戚关系超过与兄弟(0.25)的亲戚关系。尽管有这种预测,但最近的研究表明,即使在一夫一妻制和一夫一妻制殖民地中,工人也相互监督(互工取卵)。我们进行了野外和实验室研究,以评估原始的共社会黄蜂Polistes chinensisennalis的女王/王后殖民地的女王/王后和警察治安。使用微卫星标记进行的遗传研究以及对自然菌落的广泛观察表明,女王和工人都去除了雌雄同体和一生菌落中的卵和卵。女王的卵存活下来的孵化率比工人的卵高(88.5%比1.4%)。我们讨论了可能的因素来解释这些与工作人员保持警惕的行为。



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