首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Patterns and coevolutionary consequences of repeated brood parasitism

Patterns and coevolutionary consequences of repeated brood parasitism


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The absence of adaptive host responses to virulent parasites and pathogens is paradoxical. We explored the theoretical possibility that the evolution of antiparasitic egg-ejection strategies was delayed by avian hosts' lifetime experiences with brood parasitism. An analytical model indicated that individual hosts' repeated exposure to parasitism decreased the relative benefits of learning-based rejecter strategies when parasitism was particularly costly. Because brood parasitic brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) and their hosts are typically philopatric across breeding attempts, spatially and temporally non-random patterns of parasitism may contribute to low levels of observed egg-ejection by vulnerable cowbird hosts. In support, we found that in three populations of two host species individual females experienced repeated cowbird parasitism during their lifetimes. We propose that repeated parasitism contributes to counterintuitive patterns of coevolutionary dynamics in spatially structured host-parasite populations.
机译:缺乏对毒力寄生虫和病原体的适应性宿主反应是自相矛盾的。我们探索了理论上的可能性,即抗寄生虫抛卵策略的发展因鸟类宿主一生与卵寄生有关的经历而延迟。一种分析模型表明,当寄生虫的代价特别高时,单个宿主反复接触寄生虫会降低基于学习的拒绝策略的相对收益。由于育种中寄生的棕头牛鸟(Molothrus ater)及其寄主通常是成虫的,因此寄生虫在空间和时间上的非随机分布可能会导致弱势牛鸟寄主观察到的低水平射出卵。作为支持,我们发现在两个寄主物种的三个种群中,雌性个体一生中经历了反复的牛repeated寄生。我们建议重复寄生会导致空间结构宿主-寄生虫种群的协同进化动力学的反直觉模式。



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