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Development of oxygen sensing in the gills of zebrafish


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Previous studies have described the morphology, innervation and O-2-chernoreceptive properties of neuroepithelial cells (NECs) of the zebrafish gill filaments. The present work describes the ontogenesis of these cells, and the formation of functional O-2-sensing pathways in developing zebrafish. Confocal immunofluorescence was performed on whole-mount gill preparations using antibodies against serotonin (5-HT) and a zebrafish-derived neuronal marker (zn-12) to identify the appearance and innervation of gill NECs during larval stages. NECs were first expressed in gill filament primordia of larvae at 5 days postfertilization (d.p.L) and were fully innervated by 7d.p.f. In vivo ventilation frequency analysis revealed that a behavioural response to hypoxia (11.2 +/- 2.8 min(-1)) developed in embryos as early as 2 d.p.f., and a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the ventilatory response to hypoxia (200.8 +/- 23.0 min(-1)) coincided with innervation of NECs of the filaments. In addition, exogenous application of quinidine, a blocker of O-2-sensitive background K+ channels in NECs, induced hyperventilation in adults in a dose-dependent manner and revealed the development of a quinidine-sensitive ventilatory response in 7 d.p.f. larvae. This study shows that NEC innervation in the gill filaments may account for the development of a functional O-2-sensing pathway and the hyperventilatory response to hypoxia in zebrafish larvae. At earlier stages, however, O-2-sensing must occur through another pathway. The possibility that a new type of 5-HT-positive NEC of the gill arches may account for this earlier hypoxic response is discussed.
机译:先前的研究已经描述了斑马鱼g丝的神经上皮细胞(NECs)的形态,神经支配和O-2-黑素受体的特性。目前的工作描述了这些细胞的本体发育,以及在斑马鱼的发育过程中功能性O-2-感应途径的形成。使用抗5-羟色胺(5-HT)和斑马鱼衍生的神经元标记(zn-12)的抗体对整装ill制剂进行共聚焦免疫荧光,以鉴定幼虫阶段NE NEC的出现和神经支配。 NEC首先在受精后5天(d.p.L)在幼虫的filament丝原基中表达,并在7d.p.f完全受神经支配。体内通气频率分析显示,早在2 dpf时,胚胎就出现了对低氧的行为反应(11.2 +/- 2.8 min(-1)),并且对低氧的通气反应显着增加(P <0.05)(200.8) +/- 23.0 min(-1))与细丝NEC的神经支配。此外,外源性应用奎尼丁(NEC中O-2敏感背景K +通道的阻滞剂)以剂量依赖的方式诱导成年人过度换气,并揭示了在7 d.p.f时对奎尼丁敏感的通气反应的发展。幼虫。这项研究表明,filament丝中的NEC神经支配可能解释了功能性O-2-感应途径的发展以及斑马鱼幼虫对缺氧的过度换气反应。但是,在早期阶段,O-2-感测必须通过另一种途径发生。讨论了arch弓的新型5-HT阳性NEC可能解释了这种较早的低氧反应的可能性。



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