首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Deleterious effects of repeated cold exposure in a freeze-tolerant sub-Antarctic caterpillar

Deleterious effects of repeated cold exposure in a freeze-tolerant sub-Antarctic caterpillar


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Multiple freeze-thaw cycles are common in alpine, polar and temperate habitats. We investigated the effects of five consecutive cycles of approx. -5 degrees C on the freeze-tolerant larvae of Pringleophaga marioni Viette (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) on sub-Antarctic Marion Island. The likelihood of freezing was positively correlated with body mass, and decreased from 70% of caterpillars that froze on initial exposure to 55% of caterpillars that froze on subsequent exposures; however, caterpillars retained their freeze tolerance and did not appear to switch to a freeze-avoiding strategy. Apart from an increase in gut water, there was no difference in body composition of caterpillars frozen 0 to 5 times, suggesting that the observed effects were not due to freezing, but rather to exposure to cold per se. Repeated cold exposure did not result in mortality, but led to decreased mass, largely accounted for by a decreased gut mass caused by cessation of feeding by caterpillars. Treatment caterpillars had fragile guts with increased lipid content, suggesting damage to the gut epithelium. These effects persisted for 5 days after the final exposure to cold, and after 30 days, treatment caterpillars had regained their pre-exposure mass, whereas their control counterparts had significantly gained mass. We show that repeated cold exposure does occur in the field, and suggest that this may be responsible for the long life cycle in A marioni. Although mean temperatures are increasing on Marion Island, several climate change scenarios predict an increase in exposures to sub-zero temperatures, which would result in an increased generation time for P. marioni. Coupled with increased predation from introduced house mice on Marion Island, this could have severe consequences for the P. marioni population.
机译:在高山,极地和温带生境中,多次冻融循环很常见。我们调查了大约5个连续周期的影响。在南极洲马里恩岛上的耐寒小夜蛾(Pringleophaga marioni Viette)(鳞翅目:Tineidae)的耐冻幼虫温度为-5摄氏度。冻结的可能性与体重呈正相关,从初次接触时冻结的毛毛虫的70%降低到随后接触时冻结的毛毛虫的55%。然而,毛毛虫保持了其冷冻耐受性,并且似乎没有转向避免冷冻的策略。除了增加肠内水分外,冷冻0到5次的毛毛虫的身体组成也没有差异,这表明观察到的效果不是由于冷冻,而是由于本身暴露于寒冷。反复的冷暴露没有导致死亡,但导致体重下降,这在很大程度上是由于毛虫停止进食而导致肠道质量下降。处理的毛毛虫的肠胆脆弱,脂质含量增加,表明对肠道上皮的损害。这些效果在最后一次暴露于寒冷后持续了5天,并且在30天后,毛毛虫恢复了接触前的质量,而对照组的毛虫则明显增加了质量。我们表明重复的冷暴露确实发生在该字段中,并建议这可能是造成A marioni寿命长的原因。尽管马里恩岛的平均温度正在上升,但一些气候变化情景预测,零下温度的暴露量将会增加,这将导致马利尼假单胞菌的产生时间增加。再加上来自马里恩岛上引进的家鼠的捕食增加,这可能会对马里奥尼疟原虫种群造成严重后果。



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