首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology >Deadlock prevention and avoidance in FMS: a Petri net based approach

Deadlock prevention and avoidance in FMS: a Petri net based approach


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The use of structure theory of Petri nets to develop efticient deadlock prevention and deadlock avoidance methods for flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) modelled by S{sup}4R nets is demonstrated. Major synchronisation patterns, such asgeneralised parallel and sequential mutual exclusion, frequently observed in FMS contexts can be represented by this class. The liveness property of a given S{sup}4R net (deadlock freeness in the context of FMSs) is characterised in terms of structuralPetri net elements called siphons. An efficient method for controlling minimal siphons of a given S{sup}4R net is developed where local control places are added to the net A sufficient condition for liveness of the augmented net is provided. Thisconstitutes a deadlock prevention approach. When the net liveness condition is not satisfied, an on-line controller, using a dynamic resource allocation policy, is developed for the augmented net. The performance of the proposed approaches is illustratedusing several examples.
机译:证明了利用Petri网的结构理论为S {sup} 4R网建模的柔性制造系统(FMS)开发有效的防死锁和避免死锁的方法。此类可以表示在FMS上下文中经常观察到的主要同步模式,例如广义并行和顺序互斥。给定的S {sup} 4R网络(在FMS中为死锁状态)的活动性以称为虹吸管的结构Petri网元素为特征。开发了一种控制给定S {sup} 4R网的最小虹吸管的有效方法,该方法将本地控制位置添加到网中,从而为增强网的活动性提供了充分的条件。这构成了一种防止死锁的方法。当不满足网络活跃性条件时,将为动态网络开发使用动态资源分配策略的在线控制器。使用几个示例说明了所提出方法的性能。



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