首页> 外文期刊>Telecommunication systems: Modeling, Analysis, Design and Management >Efficient information hiding in H.264/AVC video coding

Efficient information hiding in H.264/AVC video coding

机译:H.264 / AVC视频编码中的有效信息隐藏

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This paper proposes a new real-time information hiding algorithm on latest H.264/AVC video coding standard. The information is embedded into the Trailing Ones of 4 × 4 blocks during the Context-based Adaptive Variable Length Coding (CAVLC) process. This algorithm is efficient with low computational complexity. The simulation results show that the degradation of video quality is negligible, and the same overall bit-stream length is maintained. Based on this information hiding method, a video subtitle transmission scheme is proposed. Under the simulation of different RTP packet loss channels, the embedded information can be well recovered. The comparison with other algorithms shows the superiority of our proposed method.
机译:本文提出了一种基于最新的H.264 / AVC视频编码标准的实时信息隐藏算法。在基于上下文的自适应可变长度编码(CAVLC)过程中,信息被嵌入到4×4块的尾随中。该算法高效且计算复杂度低。仿真结果表明,视频质量的下降可以忽略不计,并且保持了相同的总比特流长度。基于这种信息隐藏方法,提出了一种视频字幕传输方案。通过对不同RTP丢包通道的仿真,可以很好地恢复嵌入信息。与其他算法的比较表明了我们提出的方法的优越性。



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