首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Managing neem (Azadirachta indica)-coated urea and ordinary urea in wheat (Triticum aestivum) for improving nitrogen-use efficiency and high yields

Managing neem (Azadirachta indica)-coated urea and ordinary urea in wheat (Triticum aestivum) for improving nitrogen-use efficiency and high yields

机译:在小麦(Triticum aestivum)中管理印ne(印za(Azadirachta indica))尿素和普通尿素,以提高氮利用效率和高产

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Modifications in fertilizer source and/or management can lead to reduced losses of N, high wheat yields and increased fertilizer N-use efficiency. Relative performance of neem (Azadirachta indica A Juss)-coated urea vis-a-vis ordinary urea applied to wheat (Triticum aestivum C. emend Fiori & Paol.) was studied when applied at different levels (48, 96 and 120 kg N/ha), drilled in between rows as a single dose of 96 kg N/ha and when applied in 3 split doses (48, 48 and 24 kg N/ha). The field experiments were carried out at 2 locations, i e Ludhiana-sandy loam soil and Gurdaspur - clay loam soil during 2005-08. When nitrogen was applied in 2 equal split doses at the time of sowing and first irrigation, the neem coated urea did not out perform urea in increasing grain yield at any level of N application at both the locations. Performance of neem coated urea @96 kg N/ha drilled during sowing of wheat was better than neem-coated urea applied @ 120 kg N/ha in 2 split doses at Ludhiana. Better performance of urea and neem-coated urea applied in 3 rather than 2 split doses only in coarse-textured soil at Ludhiana suggests that losses of applied N via leaching can be substantial as compared to in the fine textured soil at Gurdaspur. This study suggests that neem-coated urea can lead to improved N-use efficiency when applied either in 3 split doses or drilled between rows as a single dose in coarse-textured soils rather than in fine-textured ones.
机译:改变肥料的来源和/或管理方式可以减少氮素的损失,提高小麦的单产和提高肥料的氮素利用效率。研究了印ne(Azadirachta indica A Juss)包衣尿素相对于小麦(Triticum aestivum C. emend Fiori&Paol。)在小麦上的普通尿素的相对性能(分别以48、96和120 kg N / ha),以96 kg N / ha的单次剂量在两行之间钻进,并以3分割剂量(48、48和24 kg N / ha)施用。在2005-08年期间,在Ludhiana-sandy壤土和Gurdaspur-黏土壤土这2个地点进行了田间试验。在播种和第一次灌溉时,以2等分的剂量施用氮肥时,在两个位置上施用任何水平的氮肥,印ne包膜的尿素在增加谷物产量方面都不会表现出尿素的表现。在卢迪亚纳,在小麦播种过程中以96 kg N / ha施用的印ne包膜尿素的性能要好于在2分割剂量下以120 kg N / ha施用印ne包膜的尿素。仅在卢迪亚纳的粗纹理土壤中,尿素和印em包衣的尿素分3次施用(而不是2次分剂量)具有更好的性能,这表明与古斯塔斯布尔的细纹理土壤相比,通过淋滤施用的N损失可能会很大。这项研究表明,在粗纹理土壤而不是细纹理土壤中,印em包膜尿素以3分割剂量或以单剂量行间钻孔的方式使用,可以提高氮的利用率。



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