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practical magic


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TRIZ, a Russian acronym for 'theory of solving inventive problems', is a unique problem-solving, design and forecasting tool kit and algorithm developed in the former Soviet Union. The reason it's causing a stir is because of its rejection of traditional approaches to innovation. Forget brainstorming, with TRIZ it's about the application of typical 'left-brain' properties: logic, sequential thinking and rationality. TRIZ's originator, Genrikh Altshuller, was a patent examiner for the Soviet naval patent office in the 1950s. Without computers or Excel spreadsheets, Altshuller, himself an inventor, studied thousands of patents across different areas of science and technology and recognised four key characteristics: (1) true breakthrough patents were very rare, accounting for less than five per cent of the hundreds of thousands of patents he reviewed (2) breakthrough inventions had a key common trait: they resolved a very difficult, long standing contradiction in product design or process performance. An example of this would be the resolution of weight and volume design contra-dictions through the improvement of time and productivity by preliminary action, ie doing something in advance (3) the number of inventive principles used in these breakthrough inventions, regardless of the technical or business area, was limited and this limited number of principles could be used across multiple areas. For example, the principle of preliminary action can be used to increase production line effectiveness, (pre-placement of materials where they are needed) as well as to prepare an organisation for potential major changes through proper communication (4) inventive problem-solving and product improvement was a science and could be taught and learned. These repeatable patterns of invention could be collated in a learnable, retrievable way, eliminating the need to brainstorm and guess at solutions to problems. This meant that science could replace psychology as a primary approach to both problem-solving and product design. This flies in the face of the long-held belief that invention and innovation are some kind of unknown, 'right-brain' process that rely on random intuition and subjective psychology.
机译:TRIZ是俄语中“解决发明问题的理论”的缩写,是前苏联开发的独特的问题解决,设计和预测工具套件和算法。之所以引起轰动,是因为它拒绝了传统的创新方法。忘了集思广益,使用TRIZ就是关于典型“左脑”属性的应用:逻辑,顺序思考和理性。 TRIZ的创始人Genrikh Altshuller是1950年代苏联海军专利局的专利审查员。没有计算机或Excel电子表格,他本人是发明家Altshuller,研究了不同科学和技术领域的数千项专利,并认识到四个关键特征:(1)真正的突破性专利非常罕见,仅占数百项专利的不到5%。他审查了成千上万的专利(2)突破性发明具有一个关键的共同特征:它们解决了产品设计或过程性能方面非常困难,长期存在的矛盾。这方面的一个例子是通过采取初步行动来改善时间和生产率来解决重量和体积设计矛盾,即提前做一些事情(3),无论技术如何,这些突破性发明中使用的发明原理的数量或业务领域是有限的,因此数量有限的原则可用于多个领域。例如,初步行动原则可用于提高生产线效率(在需要时预先放置材料),以及通过适当的沟通来为组织进行潜在的重大变革做好准备(4)解决创造性的问题和产品改进是一门科学,可以教授和学习。这些可重复的发明模式可以以一种可学习的,可检索的方式进行整理,从而无需进行头脑风暴和猜测问题的解决方案。这意味着科学可以取代心理学,成为解决问题和产品设计的主要方法。面对长期以来的信念,即发明和创新是某种未知的“右脑”过程,这种过程依赖于随机的直觉和主观心理学,这是不正确的。



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