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The certification bodies' answers


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Customer satisfaction is principally what ISO 9001:2000 is all about and it might well have been better titled 'Customer satisfaction systems -requirements'. A preferred title for clause 8.2.1 could then be market perception. Unfortunately the current title immediately leads one down the restricted path of considering only customers - people who have bought, and been satisfied, ie those who would buy again. Hence the thought that sales reports alone could achieve the desired results. This type of information can be very useful in that you may be able to establish what it is you do right and enhance those characteristics and therefore be even better at what you do. At the other end of the scale you have those who complain about your product or service and will eventually feel satisfied once your corrective action systems have run their course. However, what you really need to find out is why all those potential buyers out there are not your customers. Iris quite possible that they may tell you things you would rather not hear. But can you afford not to ask and then listen and act on what they have to say? Find out why leads are lost and quotes rejected, look at what your competitors are doing, investigate why you have so many one time purchasers, establish from any and every source possible what the marketplace thinks of you.
机译:客户满意度原则上就是ISO 9001:2000的全部内容,它最好被称为“客户满意度系统-要求”。因此,第8.2.1条的首选标题可能是市场认知度。不幸的是,当前的标题立即导致人们只考虑顾客,即购买和满意的人,即再次购买的人。因此,仅凭销售报告就可以达到预期的结果。此类信息非常有用,因为您可以确定自己正确做的事情并增强这些特征,从而在做事上甚至更好。另一方面,您会有抱怨您的产品或服务的人,一旦您的纠正措施系统运行正常,他们最终会感到满意。但是,您真正需要找出的是为什么所有那些潜在的买家都没有您的客户。虹膜很有可能使他们告诉您您不愿听到的事情。但是,您负担得起不问然后听他们按照他们说的话采取行动的代价吗?找出导致潜在客户流失和报价被拒绝的原因,查看竞争对手的行为,调查为什么您拥有如此多的一次性购买者,并从各种渠道确定市场对您的看法。



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