
One is enough


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It is rare in the paper industry to see a product that is genuinely new.Austria's Frantschach,part of the Mondi Group,believes that ONE,the new one-ply sack made from its Advantage ONE sack paper is an innovation that is also a logical and reasonable development of market tendencies.Of course,it is not the first commercially available single-ply sack,but Frantschach believes it has overcome the problems that stymied previous attempts to successfully bring a one-ply product to market.The shift in Europe from 50 kg to 25 kg sacks,improvements in sack filling technology,and more porous paper,all contribute to making ONE,"a concept that works," believes the company."This is the biggest step in the sack market since the introduction of high-porosity paper seven to eight years ago," says Conny Josefsson,vp,sales and marketing,Frantschach Pulp and Paper.
机译:在造纸工业中,很少见到真正的新产品。奥地利的Mondi Group的Frantschach认为,用其Advantage ONE麻袋纸制成的新型单层麻袋ONE是一项创新,也是合乎逻辑的当然,这并不是第一个可商购的单层麻袋,但Frantschach认为,它已经克服了阻碍先前成功将单层产品推向市场的各种难题。该公司认为,50公斤至25公斤的麻袋袋,麻袋填充技术的改进以及多孔纸的制造,都有助于制造一个“可行的概念”。这是自从高包装纸袋问世以来,麻袋市场上迈出的最大一步。七到八年前就形成了疏松纸。” Frantschach制浆造纸公司销售和营销副总裁Conny Josefsson说。




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