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Successful cultivation of barley


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Barley is usually grown on soils with inadequate irrigation facilities. It requires cool weather during early growth andwarm and dry weather at maturity. Being drought tolerant, barley suits to areas with scanty rainfall. Barley is an important rabi crop commonly grown in the northern plains of India. Its lower cost of cultivation and the low input demand helps in its preference by the farmers in these areas. Traditionally the farmers in northern plains cultivate barley in the marginal soils to a limited extent in rainfed areas. Barley is usually grown on soils with inadequate irrigation facilities. It requires cool weather during early growth and warm and dry weather at maturity. Being drought tolerant, barley suits to areas with scanty rainfall. In the Punjab state, it is grown mainly under irrigated conditions. Under present agricultural situation where wheat production is in abundance and surplus to our requirements, barley can be a prospective and alternative crop for diversification. Barley is used to prepare high quality malt by the brewing industry. Besides, it is also used as feed for animals. Being a short duration crop (130-140 days} it fits well in the different crop rotations particularly after cotton in the Punjab state.



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