
Gravity and the thermodynamics of horizons




Spacetimes with horizons show a resemblance to thermodynamic systems and it is possible to associate the notions of temperature and entropy with them. Several aspects of this connection are reviewed in a manner appropriate for broad readership. The approach uses two essential principles: (a) the physical theories must be formulated for each observer entirely in terms of variables any given observer can access and (b) consistent formulation of quantum field theory requires analytic continuation to the complex plane. These two principles, when used together in spacetimes with horizons, are powerful enough to provide several results in a unified manner. Since spacetimes with horizons have a generic behaviour under analytic continuation, standard results of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes with horizons can be obtained directly (Sections 3-7). The requirements (a) and (b) also put strong constraints on the action principle describing the gravity and, in fact, one can obtain the Einstein-Hilbert action from the thermodynamic considerations (Section 8). The review emphasises the thermodynamic aspects of horizons, which could be obtained from general principles and is expected to remain valid, independent of the microscopic description ('statistical mechanics') of horizons. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:具有视界的时空显示出与热力学系统的相似之处,并且可以将温度和熵的概念与它们联系起来。以适合广大读者的方式对这种联系的几个方面进行了审查。该方法使用两个基本原理:(a)必须完全根据每个给定观察者可以访问的变量来为每个观察者制定物理理论;(b)量子场论的一致表述需要解析继续到复杂平面。这两个原理在时空和视界中一起使用时,功能强大到足以以统一的方式提供多个结果。由于具有视界的时空在解析延续下具有一般行为,因此可以直接获得具有视界的弯曲时空中的量子场理论的标准结果(第3-7节)。要求(a)和(b)也对描述重力的作用原理施加了严格的约束,实际上,人们可以从热力学考虑中获得爱因斯坦-希尔伯特作用(第8节)。审查强调了视野的热力学方面,这可以从一般原理中获得,并且有望保持有效,而与视野的微观描述(“统计力学”)无关。 (C)2004 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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