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The change of soil carbon stocks and fine root dynamics after land use change from a native pasture to a pine plantation


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A published meta-analysis of worldwide data showed soil carbon decreasing following land use change from pasture to conifer plantation. A paired site (a native pasture with Themeda triandra dominant, and an adjacent Pinus radiata plantation planted onto the pasture 16 years ago) was set up as a case study to assess the soil carbon reduction and the possible reason for the reduction under pine, including the change in fine root (diameter <2 mm) dynamics (production and mortality). Soil analysis confirmed that soil carbon and nitrogen stocks to 100 cm under the plantation were significantly less than under the pasture by 20 and 15%, respectively. A 36% greater mass of fine root was found in the soil under the pasture than under the plantation and the length of fine root was about nine times greater in the pasture. Much less fine root length was produced and roots died more slowly under the plantation than under the pasture based on observations of fine root dynamics in minirhizotrons. The annual inputs of fine root litter to the top 100 cm soil, estimated from soil coring and minirhizotron observations, were 6.3 Mg dry matter ha-p# year-p# (containing 2.7 Mg C and 38.9 kg N) under the plantation, and 9.7 Mg ha-p# year-p# (containing 3.6 Mg C and 81.4 kg N) under the pasture. The reduced amount of carbon, following afforestation of the pasture, in each depth-layer of the soil profile correlated with the lower length of dead fine roots in the layer under the plantation compared with the pasture. This correlation was consistent with the hypothesis that the soil carbon reduction after land use change from pasture to conifer plantation might be related to change of fine root dynamics, at least in part.
机译:已发表的有关全球数据的荟萃分析显示,随着土地用途从牧场变为针叶树种植,土壤碳减少。建立了一个配对地点(一个以Themeda triandra为主的天然牧场,并在16年前在该牧场上种植了一个邻近的辐射松人工林)作为案例研究,以评估土壤碳减少量以及松树下碳减少的可能原因,包括细根(直径<2 mm)动态变化(产量和死亡率)的变化。土壤分析证实,人工林下100 cm处的土壤碳和氮储量分别比牧场下少20%和15%。牧场下土壤中的细根质量比人工林下高36%,牧场中细根的长度约长九倍。根据对小型根际生物细根动力学的观察,在种植园中产生的细根长度要少得多,并且在种植园中根部死亡的速度比在牧场下要慢。根据土壤取心和微型根管观测,估计在人工林下每年向表层最大土壤100 cm的细根凋落物输入量为6.3 Mg干物质ha-p#年-p#(含2.7 Mg C和38.9 kg N)。牧场下的9.7毫克ha-p#年-p#(包含3.6 Mg C和81.4 kg N)。与牧场相比,在牧场造林之后,土壤剖面的每个深层中碳的减少量与人工林下层中枯死细根的长度较短有关。这种相关性与以下假设相吻合:在土地用途从牧场改变为针叶树人工林后,土壤碳减少可能至少部分与精细根系动态变化有关。



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