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Effects of boron fertilization on 'Conference' pear tree vigor, nutrition, and fruit yield and storability


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The aim of the study was to examine the response of pear ( Pyrus communis L.) trees to soil and foliar applications of boron ( B). The experiment was carried out during 2000 - 2001 in a commercial orchard in Central Poland on mature 'Conference' pear trees grafted on Pyrus communis var. caucasica seedlings planted at a spacing of 4 x 2.5 m on a sandy loam soil with a low hotwater-extractableB status. Annually, foliar sprays with B were applied. (i) before full bloom ( at green and white bud stage, and when 1-5% of flowers was at full bloom), (ii) after flowering ( at petal fall, and 7 and 14 days after the end of flowering), or (iii) postharvest in fall ( approximately 6 weeks before leaf fall). Spray treatments involved application of B at a rate of 0.2 kg ha(-1) in spring or 0.8 kg ha(-1) in fall. Additionally, other trees were supplied with soil-applied B at the bud break stage at a rate of 2 kg ha(-1). Trees untreated with B served as the control. The results revealed that foliar applications of B before full bloom or after harvest increased fruit set and fruit yield. Tree vigor, mean fruit weight, firmness, soluble solids concentration and titratable acidity of fruits at harvest were not affected by B treatments. Foliar B sprays before full bloom or after harvest increased B concentrations in flowers, and both leaves and fruitlets at 40 days after flowering. Only the foliar treatments after flowering and soil fertilization with B increased the content of this microelement in fruit and leaves at 80 and 120 days after full bloom. Foliar B application before full bloom or after harvest increased calcium (Ca) in fruitlets at 40 days after full bloom, in fruit, and in leaves at 80 and 120 days after full bloom. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus ( P), potassium ( K), and magnesium (Mg) in plant tissues were not affected by B fertilization. After storage, and also after the ripening period, fruits from the trees sprayed with B before full bloom or after harvest had higher firmness and titratable acidity than those from the control trees. After the ripening period, fruits from the trees sprayed with B before full bloom or after harvest had lower membrane permeability and were less sensitive to internal browning than the control fruits. These findings indicate that prebloom and postharvest B sprays are successful in increasing pear tree yielding and in improving fruit storability under the conditions of low B availability in the soil.
机译:该研究的目的是研究梨树(Pyrus communis L.)对土壤和叶面硼施用的响应(B)。该实验是在2000年至2001年期间在波兰中部的一家商业果园中进行的,该果园采用嫁接在Pyrus communis var上的成熟“会议”梨树进行。高加索秧苗以4 x 2.5 m的间隔种植在砂土壤土上,可热水提取的B含量低。每年使用B喷施叶面喷剂。 (i)盛开前(在绿色和白色芽期,以及花朵的1-5%处于盛开时),(ii)开花后(花瓣落下时,以及开花结束后7天和14天),或(iii)秋季收获后(叶子落下前约6周)。喷雾处理涉及在春季以0.2 kg ha(-1)或在秋季以0.8 kg ha(-1)的比例施用B。此外,其他树木在芽破裂阶段以土壤施用的B的量为2 kg ha(-1)。未用B处理的树木作为对照。结果表明,在盛花前或收获后叶面施用B可以提高坐果率和果实产量。 B处理不会影响树木的活力,平均果实重量,硬度,收获时果实的可溶性固形物浓度和可滴定的酸度。在盛花前或收获后进行叶面喷施B会增加花中B的浓度,并在开花后40天增加叶片和小果的浓度。开花和施肥后,仅在开花和土壤施肥后,叶面处理才能增加B在盛花后80天和120天时微量元素的含量。在盛花前或收获后叶面施用B,在盛花后40天,果实以及盛花后80天和120天的叶子中,钙(Ca)增加。植物组织中的氮(N),磷(P),钾(K)和镁(Mg)不受B施肥的影响。储存后以及成熟期后,在开花前或收获后用B喷洒的树木的果实比对照树的果实具有更高的硬度和可滴定的酸度。在成熟期之后,在开花前或收获后用B喷洒树木的果实的膜渗透性较低,并且对内部褐变的敏感性低于对照果实。这些发现表明,在土壤中B利用率低的条件下,开花前和收获后B喷洒都能成功提高梨树的产量并改善果实的耐贮性。



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