首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >La strada dell’immaginazione porta al centro della realtà. Sogni medievali nell’inconscio contemporaneo. = The Path of Imagination Leads to the Center of Reality. Medieval Dreams in the Modern-Day Subconscious

La strada dell’immaginazione porta al centro della realtà. Sogni medievali nell’inconscio contemporaneo. = The Path of Imagination Leads to the Center of Reality. Medieval Dreams in the Modern-Day Subconscious

机译:想象的道路通向现实的中心。当代无意识的中世纪梦。 =想象之路通向现实的中心。现代潜意识中的中世纪梦



The Path of Imagination Leads to the Center of Reality. Medieval Dreams in the Modern-Day Subconscious. The Somniale Danielis is a manual to dreams and their interpretations, the most popular of its kind in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. It consists of a list of dream symbols arranged in an alphabetical order, and interpreted as portending something good or evil for a dreamer. The system established both quick and easy access to terms, symbols, and their meanings, and functioned as a convenient guide to the interpretation of dreams. It serves, too, as an important tool for understanding medieval literary as well as other dreams, and for identifying and describing traditional dream images. The most remarkable fact about this dream dictionary is that the red thread of dream interpretation remains pretty much unchanged from antiquity to today. This is the very reason why it is used coherently by different poets and scientists in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. Indeed, interpreting one’s own visions was thus a way to position human beings at the center of the universe, after centuries of confinement at the peripheries of creation. The more evident change in the history of dream interpretation occurred at the beginning of twentieth century, when Sigmund Freud started working on dreams considered as a potential tool to investigate the deepest part of our personality and our past, and not as a possible prediction of the future. But even after the birth of psychoanalysis, popular dream-books continued to be considered the best way to interpret dreams.
机译:想象之路通向现实的中心。现代潜意识中的中世纪梦。 Somniale Danielis是一部有关梦想及其解释的手册,是中世纪和文艺复兴时期最受欢迎的手册。它由一系列按字母顺序排列的梦想符号组成,并被解释为对梦想家来说是好事还是坏事。该系统可以快速,轻松地访问术语,符号及其含义,并可以作为解释梦的便捷指南。它也用作理解中世纪文学以及其他梦境以及识别和描述传统梦境影像的重要工具。关于这本梦想词典的最值得注意的事实是,从古代到今天,梦想解释的红线几乎保持不变。这就是为什么中世纪和文艺复兴时期不同诗人和科学家一致使用它的原因。的确,在经历了数个世纪的创造活动之后,诠释自己的视野是将人类置于宇宙中心的一种方式。梦解史上更明显的变化发生在20世纪初,当时西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)开始着手研究梦,梦被认为是研究我们人格和过去最深处的潜在工具,而不是对梦境的可能预测。未来。但是即使在精神分析学诞生之后,流行的梦书仍然被认为是解释梦的最佳方法。



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