首页> 外文期刊>Sustainability >Dynamics of Multi-Scale Intra-Provincial Regional Inequality in Zhejiang, China

Dynamics of Multi-Scale Intra-Provincial Regional Inequality in Zhejiang, China




This paper investigates regional inequality in a multi-scale framework, using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, based on the per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of counties and municipalities within the Zhejiang province in China between the years of 1990 and 2010. A Spatial Markov Chain is used to identify the dynamics of regional wealth disparity in Zhejiang. The results show that the regional inequality of Zhejiang is sensitive to the geographic scale of the analysis. In addition, the inter-county inequality shows an inverted-U shape pattern. At the same time, the inter-municipality inequality displays a more consistently upward trend, and the evolution of the interregional inequality is relatively stable over time. The regional inequality is more significant at finer (larger) spatial scales. The decomposition of the Theil Index shows that the contribution of the inequalities between Northeast Zhejiang and Southwest Zhejiang increased. The increasingly larger values of the Global Moran’s I show that there is an intensifying spatial aggregation of economic development. The comparison of the traditional Markov transition matrix and the Spatial Markov transition matrix illustrates how the relative wealth or poverty of neighboring counties make a significance difference in wealth in a given county as measured using domestic GDP per capita in Zhejiang province. This space-time analysis is valuable for policy making towards sustainable economic development in China given the soaring spatial inequality.
机译:本文基于1990年至2010年中国浙江省县市的人均国内生产总值(GDP),使用探索性空间数据分析在多尺度框架下研究了区域不平等。链用于识别浙江省区域贫富悬殊的动态。结果表明,浙江的区域不平等对分析的地理范围敏感。此外,县际不平等表现出倒U形的格局。同时,城市间的不平等表现出更加一致的上升趋势,区域间的不平等随着时间的推移相对稳定。在更细(更大)的空间尺度上,区域不平等现象更为明显。 Theil指数的分解表明,浙东北和浙西南之间不平等的贡献增加了。 Global Moran's I的价值越来越大,表明经济发展的空间聚集正在加剧。传统马尔可夫转移矩阵与空间马尔可夫转移矩阵的比较说明,使用浙江省人均国内生产总值衡量,相邻县的相对财富或贫困如何使给定县的财富显着性差异。鉴于空间不平等加剧,这种时空分析对于制定中国可持续经济发展的政策具有重要意义。



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