首页> 外文期刊>Open Access Library Journal >Prognostic Value of the Ocular Trauma Score in Traumatic Open Globe Injuries in the Philippines: A Five-Year Retrospective Study —Prognostic Value of the Ocular Trauma Score in Open Globe Injuries

Prognostic Value of the Ocular Trauma Score in Traumatic Open Globe Injuries in the Philippines: A Five-Year Retrospective Study —Prognostic Value of the Ocular Trauma Score in Open Globe Injuries




PURPOSE: To determine the prognostic value of the Ocular Trauma Score (OTS) in patients with traumatic open globe injuries. METHODS: A retrospective chart review of patients with traumatic open globe injuries seen in a tertiary eye center in the Philippines from 2008 to 2013. Patients with traumatic open globe injuries who were at least 18 years of age upon first consult and with documented visual acuity at the first, third and sixth months of follow up were included in the study. The following data were collected: age, sex, occupation, manner of injury, type of injury, location of injury, presence of globe rupture, endophthalmitis, perforation, retinal detachment and afferent pupillary defect, and visual acuity (VA) at presentation, month 1, month 3 and month 6. The OTS was computed from the available data. RESULTS: A total of 114 records were included. Open-globe (OG) injuries were more common in males (86.8%), between 18 - 39 y/o (64.9%) and who were manual workers (74.6%). Most were occupation-related (64%), seen within 1 - 3 days (55.3%), and treated both medically and surgically (92.1%). The most common type of OG injury was a penetrating laceration (82.5%), had an initial VA of 4/200 to light perception (57.9%), had no afferent pupillary defect (APD) (84.2%), and was located at zone I (73.7%). The most common OTS anatomical factor seen, when present, was an APD (15.8%). In all months, there was a significant positive correlation between OTS score and visual acuity. CONCLUSION: The OTS appeared to predict visual outcome as early as the first month post-injury, although correlation still exists at the 3 rd) and 6 th) months.
机译:目的:确定眼外伤评分(OTS)在开放性眼外伤患者中的预后价值。方法:回顾性分析2008年至2013年在菲律宾的三级眼科中心发现的具有开放性眼球外伤的患者。首次咨询时年龄至少为18岁且有视力记录的外伤性眼球外伤的患者随访的第一,第三和第六个月都包括在研究中。收集以下数据:年龄,月份,出现时的年龄,性别,职业,伤害方式,伤害类型,伤害位置,球体破裂,眼内炎,穿孔,视网膜脱离和瞳孔传入缺损以及视敏度(VA) 1,第3个月和第6个月。OTS是根据可用数据计算得出的。结果:共纳入114条记录。男性(86.8%),男性18-39岁(64.9%)和体力劳动者(74.6%)的裸眼(OG)伤害更为普遍。多数与职业有关(64%),在1-3天内见到(55.3%),并且在药物和外科治疗上(92.1%)。 OG损伤最常见的类型是穿透性撕裂伤(82.5%),对光知觉的初始VA为4/200(57.9%),没有传入瞳孔缺损(APD)(84.2%),并且位于区域我(73.7%)。出现的最常见的OTS解剖因素是APD(15.8%)。在所有月份中,OTS评分和视敏度之间均存在显着的正相关。结论:尽管在第3和6个月仍存在相关性,但OTS似乎可以在受伤后第一个月就预测到视觉结果。



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