首页> 外文期刊>Literator >L’héro?sme de la femme dans l’épopée africaine : un regard critique de Soundjata ou l’épopée mandingue, Emperor Shaka The Great : A Zulu Epic et Nsongo’a Lianja : l’épopée nationale des Nkundo

L’héro?sme de la femme dans l’épopée africaine : un regard critique de Soundjata ou l’épopée mandingue, Emperor Shaka The Great : A Zulu Epic et Nsongo’a Lianja : l’épopée nationale des Nkundo

机译:非洲史诗中女性的英雄主义:批判性地看待Sundjata或Mandingo史诗,《 Shaka皇帝大帝:祖鲁史诗》和Nsongo’a Lianja:恩孔多的国家史诗



The Heroism of women in the African Epic: A critical analysis of? Sundiata or the mandingo Epic, Emperor Shaka The Great: A Zulu Epic ?and? Nsongo’a Lianja: The national Epic of the Nkundo. ?In African epics, female figures perform salient heroic roles that are, unfortunately, not widely recognised and celebrated, as notions of bravery and heroism are understood from a male perspective. Against this backdrop, this study adopts new critical and conceptual approaches to interrogate existing narratives, discourse and ideas on/or about female heroism. By focusing on selected epics, this work incorporates perceptions about women in folktales whose themes comment and reflect on the presentation of female characters and the roles they execute in society. The present contribution critically examines the role of supernatural forces in female characters’ commitment and heroism; not only protecting Soundiata, Shaka, and Lianja in accomplishing their destinies but also showcasing the activities, traditions, belief systems and culture of the Mandingo, Zulu, and Mongo in their respective societies.
机译:非洲史诗中的女性英雄主义:对?的批判性分析?桑迪亚塔(Sundiata)或曼丁哥史诗(Mandingo Epic),沙卡皇帝(The Emperor Shaka Emper):祖鲁史诗(Zulu Epic)吗? Nsongo’a Lianja:Nkundo的国家史诗。在非洲史诗中,不幸的是,女性人物扮演着突出的英雄角色,因为从男性的角度理解了英勇和英雄主义的概念。在这种背景下,本研究采用了新的批判性和概念性方法,以审视有关女性英雄主义的叙事,论述和观念。通过着重于某些史诗,这项工作将民间故事中关于女性的观念纳入其中,这些主题评论并反思女性角色的表现及其在社会中所扮演的角色。本篇论文批判性地研究了超自然力量在女性角色的承诺和英雄主义中的作用;不仅要保护Soundiata,Shaka和Lianja的命运,而且还要展示Mandingo,Zulu和Mongo在各自社会中的活动,传统,信仰体系和文化。



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