首页> 外文期刊>Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias >Late sodic metasomatism evidences in bimodal volcanic rocks of the Acampamento Velho Alloformation, Neoproterozoic III, southern Brazil

Late sodic metasomatism evidences in bimodal volcanic rocks of the Acampamento Velho Alloformation, Neoproterozoic III, southern Brazil

机译:巴西南部新元古代三世的Acampamento Velho异化形成的双峰火山岩中有晚苏苏交代作用证据



A mineralogical study was carried out in mafic and felsic volcanic rocks of the Acampamento Velho Alloformation at Cerro do Bugio, Perau and Serra de Santa Bárbara areas (Camaqu? Basin) in southern Brazil. The Acampamento Velho bimodal event consists of two associations: lower mafic at the base and upper felsic at the top. Plagioclase and alkali-feldspar were studied using an electronic microprobe, and magnetite, ilmenite, rutile, illite and alkali-feldspar were investigated through scanning electron microscopy. The rocks were affected by a process of late sodic autometasomatism. In mafic rocks, Ca-plagioclase was transformed to albite and pyroxenes were altered. In felsic rocks, sanidine was partially pseudomorphosed, generating heterogeneous alkali-feldspar. In this association, unstable Ti-rich magnetite was replaced by rutile and ilmenite. In mafic rocks, the crystallization sequence was: (1) Ti-rich magnetite (?), (2) pyroxene and Ca-plagioclase, (3) albite (alteration to Ca-plagioclase), (4) sericite, chlorite and calcite (alteration to pyroxene), and kaolinite (alteration to plagioclase/albite). In felsic rocks: (1) zircon, (2) Ti-rich magnetite, (3) sanidine, (4) quartz. The introduction of late Na-rich fluids, generated the formation of (5) heterogeneous alkali-feldspar, (6) ilmenite and rutile from the Ti-rich magnetite, (7) albite in the spherulites. Finally, alteration of sanidine, vitroclasts and pumice to (8) illite.
机译:在巴西南部的Cerro do Bugio,Perau和Serra de SantaBárbara地区(Camaqu?盆地)的Acampamento Velho同质形成的镁铁质和长英质火山岩中进行了矿物学研究。 Acampamento Velho双峰事件由两个关联组成:底部的黑手党和顶部的长军。用电子探针研究斜长石和碱长石,并通过扫描电子显微镜研究磁铁矿,钛铁矿,金红石,伊利石和碱长石。岩石受晚期苏打自毁作用的影响。在镁铁质岩石中,钙斜长石转化为钠长石,并改变了辉石。在长英质岩石中,山梨碱被部分假晶化,生成异质的长石。在这种联系下,不稳定的富钛磁铁矿被金红石和钛铁矿所替代。在镁铁质岩石中,结晶顺序为:(1)富钛磁铁矿(?),(2)辉石和钙斜长石,(3)钠长石(改变为钙斜长石),(4)绢云母,绿泥石和方解石(更改为辉石)和高岭石(更改为斜长石/石棉)。在长英质岩石中:(1)锆石,(2)富钛磁铁矿,(3)山梨醇,(4)石英。晚富钠流体的引入,从富钛磁铁矿中形成(5)异质碱长石,(6)钛铁矿和金红石,(7)球晶中的钠长石。最终,将Sanidine,玻璃体碎石和浮石变成(8)伊利石。



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