首页> 外文期刊>ZEVrail - Glasers Annalen >Steigerung der Arbeitseffektivitaet bei einem Bahninfrastruktur-Unternehmen durch interdisziplinaere Instandhaltungsteams

Steigerung der Arbeitseffektivitaet bei einem Bahninfrastruktur-Unternehmen durch interdisziplinaere Instandhaltungsteams


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To increase its operating efficiency, the railway infrastructure company BAM NBM Rail b.v. has undergone extensive process reorganization and optimisation. The results have been impressive. The use of interdisciplinary maintenance teams has enabled rail network maintenance costs to be significantly reduced. Point inspection and repair costs have been cut by more than 50 % by moving from the old specialisations to a new process-oriented way of performing maintenance work. In addition, maintenance management has been transformed from a time-oriented to a condition-oriented approach. This reorganization was made possible by extensive modularisation of the individual maintenance processes, thereby creating a completely new operational transparency. By streamlining and reorganising all work processes - and involving all personnel affected at an early stage - a transparent and lean organisation has been created that can deliver a sustainable improvement in maintenance quality and efficiency. The introduction of job order control has enabled employee productivity to be increased from 55 % to 65 % within just six months.
机译:为了提高运营效率,铁路基础设施公司BAM NBM Rail b.v.经过了广泛的流程重组和优化。结果令人印象深刻。跨学科维护团队的使用使铁路网络维护成本得以大大降低。通过从旧的专业转向采用新的面向过程的维护工作方式,点检查和维修成本已减少了50%以上。此外,维护管理已从面向时间的方法转变为面向条件的方法。通过对各个维护流程进行广泛的模块化,可以实现这种重组,从而创造了全新的运营透明度。通过精简和重组所有工作流程-并在早期使所有受影响的人员参与进来-建立了一个透明而精干的组织,可以持续改善维护质量和效率。引入工作订单控制使员工的生产率在短短六个月内从55%提升到65%。



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