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Crying Out for Rain: The Human, The Holy, and the Earth in the Ritual Fasts of Rabbinic Literature


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This article examines the religious significance of rain in Tractate Ta'anit, a 6th century volume of the Babylonian Talmud that addresses fasts in response to drought among rabbinic Jewish communities in late antiquity. Through a close reading of several key narratives within the tractate, this article examines how Tractate Ta'anit incorporates rain symbolism into key rabbinic conceptions of Torah, revelation, and divine compassion. As the tractate crafts rain into a symbol that expresses God's presence and relationship with Israel, it also articulates drought as the essential expression of divine absence. Within the tractate, fasting serves as the quintessential collective response to the physical and spiritual crisis of drought. Fasting practice in Tractate Ta'anit fashions the vulnerable collective body into an instrument particularly suited to cry out for divine answer. By invoking and intensifying the experience of suffering caused by drought, the community uses its communal body to align itself with both a suffering God and a suffering earth, each of which yearn for reconciliation.
机译:本文考察了6世纪巴比伦塔木德(Talcate Ta'anit)雨中的宗教意义,《巴比伦塔木德》讲述了古代犹太犹太社区对干旱的禁食。通过仔细阅读该句段中的几个关键叙​​述,本文研究了《特拉塔尼特》如何将雨水象征主义纳入摩西五经,启示录和神圣同情心等关键的拉比观念中。独具匠心的手工艺品下雨成为表达上帝与以色列的同在和与以色列的关系的象征,它也清楚地表明干旱是神圣缺席的基本表现。在这一地区,禁食是对干旱的生理和精神危机的典型集体反应。 《禁食》中的禁食练习塔阿尼特将脆弱的集体身体塑造成一种特别适合大声呼喊以求神答应的工具。通过援引和加强干旱造成的苦难经历,社区利用其公社与受苦的上帝和受苦的地球保持一致,他们都渴望和解。



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