首页> 外文期刊>Worldviews environment, culture, religion >Impacts of Religious Beliefs on Environmental Indicators

Impacts of Religious Beliefs on Environmental Indicators


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In this paper, the authors examine whether the more environmental-aggressive attitude of Christianity suggested by Lynn White (1967) could be sustained based on environmental indicators. The religious beliefs were obtained from a World database on religious practices, and the environmental variables from the Environmental Performance Index. Several controlling factors were generated to decouple the influence of religious traditions from other external variables, such as economic wealth or governance. The analysis was done worldwide at country level and for the African continent at provincial level. The results of our analysis demonstrate opposite trends to White's conclusions, since Christian territories, both at country and provincial level, had better environmental indicators than territories dominated by other religious traditions, particularly compared to Muslim-dominant areas. Religious practice showed little explanatory power regarding environmental performance for all religions, although Christianity showed a higher positive correlation. Environmental performance of countries in all religious traditions showed a strong dependence from other controlling factors, particularly the human development index and the per capita income.
机译:在本文中,作者研究了林恩·怀特(Lynn White,1967)提出的更具环境侵略性的基督教态度是否可以基于环境指标得以维持。宗教信仰来自世界宗教习俗数据库,环境变量来自环境绩效指数。产生了几个控制因素,以使宗教传统的影响与其他外部变量(例如经济财富或治理)脱钩。该分析是在国家/地区范围内在世界范围内进行的,而在省/自治区/非洲大陆则进行了分析。我们的分析结果表明,与怀特的结论相反的趋势,因为在国家和省级的基督教领地,其环境指标要优于其他宗教传统所占的领地,特别是与穆斯林占主导地位的地区相比。尽管基督教表现出更高的正相关性,但宗教实践对所有宗教的环境表现几乎没有解释力。各国在所有宗教传统中的环境表现都表现出对其他控制因素的强烈依赖,特别是人类发展指数和人均收入。



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