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Captive in Cycles of Invisibility? Prisoners' Work for the Private Sector


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This article critiques a case of modern prison-labour by exploring prisoners' attitudes towards the prison-work they undertake while incarcerated. The study is based at a privatised male prison in the UK, assigned the pseudonym 'Bridgeville'. Bridgeville contracts with private-sector firms in providing market-focused prison-work - so-called real work - for inmates in some of its workshops. In exploring prisoners' perceptions of this privatised prison-work, it is found that it mainly comprises mundane, low-skilled activities typical of informalised, poor-quality jobs that are socially, legally and economically devalued and categorised as forms of 'invisible work'. At Bridgeville, such privatised prison-work largely fails in engaging or upskilling inmates, leaving them pessimistic about its value as preparation for employment post-release. Its rehabilitative credentials are therefore questioned. The article contributes to the debate around invisible work more generally by problematising this example of excluded work and the cycle of disadvantage that underpins it.
机译:本文通过探讨囚犯对被监禁期间从事的监狱工作的态度,对现代监狱劳务进行了批评。该研究基于英国一家私有化的男性监狱,命名为“ Bridgeville”。布里奇维尔(Bridgeville)与私营公司签订合同,为其一些车间的囚犯提供以市场为中心的监狱工作-所谓的真实工作。在探究囚犯对这种私有化监狱工作的看法时,发现它主要包括平庸,低技能的活动,这些活动通常是非正式的,低质量的工作,这些工作在社会,法律和经济上被贬低,并被归类为“无形的工作”形式。 。在布里奇维尔(Bridgeville),这种私有化的监狱工作在很大程度上没有使囚犯参与或提高其技能,使他们对囚犯释放后准备就业的价值感到悲观。因此,其康复证书受到质疑。本文通过对被排除工作的示例以及支撑它的不利循环的问题提出质疑,从而更广泛地推动了围绕无形工作的辩论。



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