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Hellraiser Fire Up A Homebrew Flamethrower


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Former contractor turned full-time tinkerer Bob Hofmann has built everything from an adult-size tricycle to a Skilsaw-powered dragster. But his real passion is fire. So a few years ago he came up with a lightweight, easy-to-use flamethrower he calls the Bonefire. Looking a little like an antique musket, the polished-metal torch has an elegantly simple design: Propane vapor collects in a half-gallon accumulator tank at the end of a 3-foot-long tube. A bicycle brake caliper and cable control a steam-whistle valve, which unleashes the vapor in high-volume bursts that ignite as they pass an electric barbecue starter switch. Depending on your cable technique-strum, stroke, smack-you can produce a peep of flame, smoke rings, or a 20-foot torrent of hell. Hofmann sells his handmade Bonefires for $850 a pop, but he already has his eye on a bigger inferno, a machine he's dubbed the Fountain of Flame.
机译:由前承包商转为专职修补匠的鲍勃·霍夫曼(Bob Hofmann)建造了从成人大小的三轮车到由斯基尔斯(Skilsaw)供电的吊车的所有东西。但是他真正的热情是火。因此,几年前,他想出了一款轻巧,易于使用的喷火器,他称之为Bonefire。抛光金属炬管看上去有点像古董步枪,设计简洁优雅:丙烷蒸气收集在一个3英尺长的管子末端的半加仑蓄液罐中。自行车制动钳和电缆控制着一个蒸汽回旋阀,该阀释放出大量蒸汽时释放出的蒸汽,这些蒸汽通过电烧烤启动开关时便会点燃。根据电缆技术的不同,可能会产生一团火焰,烟圈或20英尺深的地狱。霍夫曼以每把850美元的价格出售他的手工制作的Bonefires,但他已经将目光投向了一个更大的地狱火,这台机器被他称为“火焰之泉”。



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