首页> 外文期刊>Wind Engineering >Analysis of Wind Power Penetration in Autonomous Greek Islands

Analysis of Wind Power Penetration in Autonomous Greek Islands


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Greek islands are characterized by excellent wind-energy potential for isolated island grid power, but face curtailment by the system operator of surplus wind-generated power during periods of low demand. The ability to balance demand with wind power, defines the wind capacity to be installed and the wind power to be absorbed by the grid. In this paper, isolated island electrical systems are simulated and the impacts of large penetration of wind power are evaluated using a parametrical approach. The simulation is based on the non-dynamic analysis of the system, in order to calculate the annual wind energy which can be absorbed by the electrical system. The conclusions are focused on the prospects of wind power decreasing the electrical system's cost. The results show that a proportionately large penetration of wind power in autonomous islands may decrease the system's electricity production cost, provided that a larger instantaneous wind penetration can be allowed.



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