首页> 外文期刊>The wilson journal of ornithology >Nest Architecture, Clutch Size, Nestling Growth Patterns and Nestling Attendance of the Fire-eyed Diucon (Xolmis pyrope) in North-Central Chile

Nest Architecture, Clutch Size, Nestling Growth Patterns and Nestling Attendance of the Fire-eyed Diucon (Xolmis pyrope) in North-Central Chile

机译:智利中北部巢穴结构,离合器的大小,巢穴的生长方式和火眼的双孔雀(Xolmis pyrope)的巢穴出席率

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We present descriptions of nest architecture, clutch size, nestling growth and nestling attendance for the Fire-eyed Diucon (Xolmis pyrope), based on nests found at the Fray Jorge National Park, Chile, at the northernmost part of its distribution. Nests were cup-shaped structures averaging 283.5 ± 26.6 mm in width and 123.1 ± 6.8 mm in height (n = 5), found in matorral steppe habitat and Olivillo humid forest relicts. Nests contained 2-3 eggs. Nestling growth in Fray Jorge's nests was nearly two times slower than in populations from central Chile, as suggested by our calculations of the constant rate (K = 0.277) and the T_(10-90) period (12.9). During 20 hrs of video recording, the breeding adults spent a total of 3.4 hrs at the nest. Both parents attended the nest, and the rates of visits, nestling provisioning and fecal sac removal increased with nestling development. We observed that adults can still care for the young at least 2 weeks after fledging, covering an area of 2.3 ha while searching for food. This information could be valuable for further studies on geographic variation in the species' behavioral ecology. Received 6 April 2015. Accepted 17 September 2015.
机译:我们根据分布在智利弗赖·豪尔赫国家公园(Fray Jorge National Park)最北端的巢穴,介绍火眼的Diucon(Xolmis pyrope)的巢穴结构,离合器尺寸,巢穴的生长以及巢穴的出现情况。巢为杯状结构,平均宽度为283.5±26.6毫米,高度为123.1±6.8毫米(n = 5),位于基质干草原栖息地和奥利维约湿润森林遗迹中。巢中含有2-3个鸡蛋。根据我们对恒定比率(K = 0.277)和T_(10-90)时期(12.9)的计算,我们发现,弗雷·豪尔赫(Fray Jorge)巢中的雏鸟生长速度比智利中部种群慢近两倍。在20个小时的录像中,成年成虫在巢中共度过3.4个小时。父母双方都参加了巢穴,随着巢穴的发育,探视,巢穴供应和粪便囊去除的比率有所增加。我们观察到,成年后至少2周,成年人仍可以照料年轻人,在寻找食物的同时占地2.3公顷。这些信息对于进一步研究物种行为生态学的地理变异可能是有价值的。 2015年4月6日收到。2015年9月17日接受。



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