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Use of Two Song Types by Townsend's Warblers (Setophaga townsendi) in Migration

机译:汤森的莺(Setophaga townsendi)在迁移中使用两种歌曲类型

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The use of song by wood-warblers (Parulidae) with multiple song types has received little attention during migration. On the breeding area, the two song types serve to attract mates and defend territory, but the function(s) during migration, if any, are unclear. I studied the singing of Townsend's Warblers (Setophaga townsendi) during spring migration through southern Oregon and northern California. Males preferentially used Type II songs (79%) whether alone or in flocks of up to -20 individuals. Type I songs of wood-warblers tend to be acquired early in the hatch year while Type II songs appear to be subject to modification over an extended period of time. The preference for Type II songs in migration may reflect an important period in the development of Type II song. More than one dialect of Type I song was recorded within flocks indicating that flocks were composed of individuals from different breeding populations. Type II songs are recognizably similar in breeding populations from central Oregon to Alaska. The similarity of Type II songs across the range of the species may result from song refinement through interaction with other singing males while in transit.
机译:木莺(Parulidae)使用多种歌曲类型的歌曲在迁移过程中很少受到关注。在繁殖区,这两种歌曲类型可以吸引伴侣并捍卫领土,但是在迁移过程中的功能(如果有的话)尚不清楚。我研究了春季迁徙到俄勒冈州南部和加利福尼亚北部期间汤森(Wendsend)的鸣鸟(Setophaga townsendi)的演唱情况。雄性优先使用II型歌曲(79%),无论是单独使用还是成群使用(最多-20个人)。木莺的I型歌曲倾向于在孵化年的早期获得,而II型歌曲似乎会在很长一段时间内进行修改。在迁移中偏爱II型歌曲可能反映了II型歌曲发展的重要时期。羊群中记录了不止一种I型歌曲方言,表明羊群是由不同繁殖群体的个体组成的。从俄勒冈州中部到阿拉斯加的繁殖种群中,II型歌曲被公认是相似的。 II类歌曲在整个物种范围内的相似性可能是由于在运输过程中与其他唱歌雄性的互动而对歌曲进行的提炼所致。



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