首页> 外文期刊>The wilson journal of ornithology >First Observation of a Disturbance Foraging Association between Obligate Ant- following Birds and a Tamandua Anteater in Central Panama

First Observation of a Disturbance Foraging Association between Obligate Ant- following Birds and a Tamandua Anteater in Central Panama


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Disturbance foraging - the use of disturbances created by other animals to locate cryptic or sedentary prey - is a widespread phenomenon, particularly in birds. In the Neotropics, a prominent example of disturbance foraging in birds is their relationship with army ants (Eciton burchellii). Numerous bird species attend army ant swarms and forage on the prey that the ants flush from the leaf litter. Here, I document a previously undescribed disturbance foraging association between two species of obligate ant-following birds and a small anteater, the northern tamandua (Tamandua mexicana). I observed both bird species approach and forage on fallen termites underneath the anteater, which was excavating a termite nest. The foraging association appeared to be a commensal relationship - the antbirds obtained a foraging benefit from the anteater, which was in turn unaffected by the birds. My observation suggests that ant-following birds may respond to other disturbances in addition to army ant swarms to find food.
机译:干扰觅食-利用其他动物产生的干扰来寻找隐秘或久坐的猎物-是一种普遍现象,尤其是在鸟类中。在新热带地区,鸟类觅食干扰的一个突出例子是它们与军蚁的关系(Eciton burchellii)。无数种鸟类参加了陆军蚁群,并以蚂蚁从枯枝落叶中冲洗出来的猎物为食。在这里,我记录了两种未曾描述的专性蚂蚁跟随鸟类和一只小型食蚁兽,北部的tamandua(Tamandua mexicana)之间的扰乱觅食关联。我观察到鸟类物种的进食和食蚁兽在食蚁动物下方挖掘的白蚁巢上觅食的情况。觅食的关系似乎是一种共同的关系-蚂蚁从食蚁兽那里获得了觅食的利益,而食蚁兽又不受它们的影响。我的观察结果表明,跟随蚁群的鸟类可能会对蚁群寻找食物以外的其他干扰做出反应。



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