首页> 外文期刊>The wilson journal of ornithology >First Egg and Standardized Nest Description of the Southern Bristle-Tyrant (Phylloscartes eximius)

First Egg and Standardized Nest Description of the Southern Bristle-Tyrant (Phylloscartes eximius)

机译:南部鬃毛暴君(Phylloscartes eximius)的第一个卵和标准化巢描述

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In spite of its relevance, data on nest architecture and egg morphology are lacking for several bird species, especially in the Neotropics. We provide the first egg and standardized nest description of the Southern Bristle-Tyrant (Phylloscartes eximius), a species considered in the genus Pogonotriccus by some authors. Similarly to two other studies, the nest was a closed/globular/lateral structure built mostly with moss and spider web. The only egg we found was clean white and measured 17.1 mm length x 13.5 mm width. Given the plasticity of nest building and the low sample size, more nests should be described to infer relatedness among Phylloscartes and Pogonotriccus using nest architecture. Similarly, more eggs of these species should be described.
机译:尽管有相关性,但缺少几种鸟类的巢结构和卵形态的数据,特别是在新热带地区。我们提供了南方猪鬃-暴君(Phylloscartes eximius)的第一个卵和标准化巢描述,一些作者认为该物种属于Pogonotriccus属。与其他两项研究类似,巢是一个封闭的/球形/侧向结构,主要由苔藓和蜘蛛网建造。我们发现的唯一鸡蛋是干净的白色,长17.1毫米x宽13.5毫米。考虑到筑巢结构的可塑性和较低的样本量,应使用巢式结构描述更多的巢以推断毛鳞scar和Pogonotriccus之间的相关性。同样,应描述更多这些种类的卵。



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