首页> 外文期刊>Leukos >A Methodology for Designing and Calibrating an Artificial Sky to Simulate ISO/CIE Sky Types with an Artificial Sun

A Methodology for Designing and Calibrating an Artificial Sky to Simulate ISO/CIE Sky Types with an Artificial Sun

机译:设计和校准人造天空以模拟带有人造太阳的ISO / CIE天空类型的方法论

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Artificial skies are now commonplace in laboratories for daylighting studies in university schools of built environment studies. However, these research and educational devices are often not used to their full potential because they are not calibrated to model even location-specific International Oganisation for Standardisation (ISO)/CIE sky types. Nevertheless, sky luminance patterns and parallel sunbeam produced by an artificial sun in a sky simulator are required for realistic physical modeling. These facilities must be designed and calibrated in well-documented protocols to achieve the scale ratios that proportionally model real outdoor skylight and sunlight conditions. Such exacting tasks can be accomplished by respecting several technical imperatives that this article was written to elaborate and discuss.
机译:现在,人造天空在实验室中用于建筑环境研究的大学学校中日光照明研究中很普遍。但是,这些研究和教育设备经常无法充分发挥其潜力,因为它们甚至没有针对特定位置的国际标准化组织(ISO)/ CIE天空类型进行校准。然而,对于真实的物理建模,需要由天空模拟器中的人造太阳产生的天空亮度模式和平行光束。这些设施必须按照详细记录的协议进行设计和校准,以达到按比例对真实室外天窗和日光条件进行建模的比例。可以通过尊重本文撰写来阐述和讨论的若干技术要务来完成这些苛刻的任务。



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