首页> 外文期刊>Wetlands Ecology and Management >Measuring, mapping and modelling: an integrated approach to the management of mangrove and saltmarsh in the Minnamurra River estuary, southeast Australia

Measuring, mapping and modelling: an integrated approach to the management of mangrove and saltmarsh in the Minnamurra River estuary, southeast Australia


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Mangrove and saltmarsh ecosystems appear particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and their effective management will require forecasts of how these wetland habitats are likely to respond to sea-level rise through the twenty-first century. We describe a preliminary study of a small stand of mangrove and saltmarsh that involves measuring of elevation change and accretion, mapping of wetland communities, and modelling of their potential response to sea-level rise. The wetland occurs on the banks of the Minnamurra River estuary in southern New South Wales and has been the focus of several studies over recent decades. The research includes empirical measurements of sedimentation at sites in both mangrove and saltmarsh vegetation using the surface elevation table-marker horizon technique. This is a site at which mapping has been undertaken to delineate the extent of each vegetation community from a time-series of aerial photographs using geographical information systems; the gradual incursion of the mangrove, Avicennia marina, into more landward saltmarsh communities, observed over past decades for many systems in southeastern Australia, has continued into the twenty-first century. The observed patterns of change are compared with simulations of how this wetland system might respond to future sea-level rise, adopting several different approaches and the upper and lower bounds of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change sea-level rise projections. The model results show considerable variability in response depending on the parameters adopted. We advocate the need for the integration of these three approaches, measuring, mapping and modelling, as a basis for future management and adaptation. Our study demonstrates the considerable opportunities to refine the data input and model outputs as part of adaptive management, as more sophisticated technologies and data become available.
机译:红树林和盐沼生态系统似乎特别容易受到气候变化的影响,而对它们的有效管理将需要预测这些湿地生境如何在二十一世纪内对海平面上升做出反应。我们描述了对一小片红树林和盐沼的初步研究,该研究涉及测量海拔变化和吸积,湿地群落的制图以及它们对海平面上升的潜在响应的模型。湿地位于新南威尔士州南部的Minnamurra河口,这是近几十年来几项研究的重点。该研究包括使用地面标高表-标记层位技术对红树林和盐沼植被站点的沉积进行实证测量。在该地点已进行了测绘,以利用地理信息系统从航空照片的时间序列中划出每个植被群落的范围;在过去的几十年中,澳大利亚东南部的许多地区都观察到红树林Avicennia marina逐渐侵入更多的陆生盐沼群落,这种现象一直持续到二十一世纪。将观测到的变化模式与对该湿地系统可能如何响应未来海平面上升做出的模拟进行比较,采用了几种不同的方法以及政府间气候变化专门委员会海平面上升预测的上下限。模型结果表明,根据所采用的参数,响应会出现很大的变化。我们主张需要将这三种方法(测量,映射和建模)集成在一起,作为将来管理和适应的基础。我们的研究表明,随着更先进的技术和数据的出现,作为自适应管理的一部分,改善数据输入和模型输出的巨大机会。



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