首页> 外文期刊>Wetlands ecology and management >Rehabilitation of Swamp Paperbark (Melaleuca ericifolia) wetlands in south-eastern Australia: effects of hydrology, microtopography, plant age and planting technique on the success of community-based revegetation trials

Rehabilitation of Swamp Paperbark (Melaleuca ericifolia) wetlands in south-eastern Australia: effects of hydrology, microtopography, plant age and planting technique on the success of community-based revegetation trials

机译:澳大利亚东南部沼泽纸皮(Melaleuca ericifolia)湿地的修复:水文,微观地形,植物年龄和种植技术对基于社区的植被恢复试验成功的影响

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Wetlands dominated by Swamp Paperbarks (Melaleuca spp., Myrtaceae) are common in coastal regions across Australia. Many of these wetlands have been filled in for coastal development or otherwise degraded as a consequence of altered water regimes and increased salinity. Substantial resources, often involving community groups, are now being allocated to revegetating the remaining wetland sites, yet only rarely is the effectiveness of the rehabilitation strategies or on-ground procedures robustly assessed. As part of a larger project investigating the condition and rehabilitation of brackish-water wetlands of the Gippsland Lakes, we overlaid a scientifically informed experimental design on a set of community-based planting trials to test the effects of water depth, microtopography, plant age and planting method on the survival and growth of seedlings of Melaleuca ericifolia Sm. in Dowd Morass, a degraded, Ramsar-listed wetland in south-eastern Australia. Although previous laboratory and greenhouse studies have shown M. ericifolia seedlings to be salt tolerant, the strongly interactive effects of waterlogging and salinity resulted in high seedling mortality (> 90%) in the field-based revegetation trials. Seedlings survived best if planted on naturally raised hummocks vegetated with Paspalum distichum L. (Gramineae), but their height was reduced compared with seedlings planted in shallowly flooded environments. Age of plants and depth of water were important factors in the survival and growth of M. ericifolia seedlings, whereas planting method seemed to have little effect on survival. Improved testing of revegetation methods and reporting of success or otherwise of revegetation trials will improve the effectiveness and accountability of projects aiming to rehabilitate degraded coastal wetlands.
机译:在澳大利亚沿海地区,以沼泽皮树皮(Melaleuca spp。,桃金娘科)为主的湿地很常见。由于水情变化和盐分增加,这些湿地中的许多已被填埋用于沿海开发或以其他方式退化。现在,通常将涉及社区团体的大量资源分配给剩余的湿地恢复植被,但很少能对恢复策略或地面程序的有效性进行有力的评估。作为研究吉普斯兰湖咸淡水湿地状况和恢复的大型项目的一部分,我们在一系列基于社区的种植试验上覆盖了科学依据的实验设计,以测试水深,微观地形,植物年龄和种植方法对白千层幼苗存活和生长的影响位于澳大利亚东南部退化的,在拉姆萨尔(Ramsar)上市的湿地Dowd Morass。尽管先前的实验室和温室研究表明,M。ericifolia幼苗具有耐盐性,但在田间植被恢复试验中,涝渍和盐分的强烈相互作用导致幼苗死亡率很高(> 90%)。如果将幼苗种植在种植有Paspalum distichum L.(Gramineae)的自然生长的山丘上,则幼苗存活最佳,但与在浅水环境中种植的幼苗相比,幼苗的高度降低了。植株的年龄和水的深度是影响紫茎泽兰幼苗存活和生长的重要因素,而种植方法似乎对存活率影响很小。改进植被恢复方法的测试以及报告植被恢复成功与否的方法,将提高旨在修复退化的沿海湿地的项目的有效性和责任感。



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