首页> 外文期刊>Weed Science >Physiological Basis for Differential Sensitivity to Sulfentrazone by Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) and Coffee Senna (Cassia occidentalis)

Physiological Basis for Differential Sensitivity to Sulfentrazone by Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) and Coffee Senna (Cassia occidentalis)

机译:Sicklepod(Senna obtusifolia)和Coffee Senna(Cassia occidentalis)对Sulfentrazone的敏感性差异的生理基础

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Consistent with field observations, sicklepod exhibited considerable tolerance to sulfentrazone, and coffee senna showed relatively high sensitivity to this herbicide in greenhouse tests. Germination was not inhibited in either species at up to 12.9 μM of the herbicide. However, the chlorophyll content of herbicide-treated coffee senna cotyledonary leaves was greatly reduced, and seedlings died within 10 d after treatment, while sicklepod seedlings were not visibly affected. Shoot height of coffee senna was inhibited 90% by sulfentrazone at 0.5 kg ai ha~(-1), while the growth of sicklepod was not affected up to 2.0 kg ai ha~(-1). Root uptake of radiola-beled sulfentrazone was 74% greater in coffee senna than sicklepod, but the amount of radioactivity recovered from the shoots of both species after 12 h was not different. Eighty-three percent of the parent compound remained in coffee senna leaf tissue after 9 h root exposure to the herbicide. In contrast, sicklepod took up relatively less sulfentrazone through the root and metabolized sulfentrazone in the foliage more rapidly than coffee senna, with 91.6% of the herbicide being metabolized during the first 9 h of exposure. These results suggest that the tolerance of sicklepod to sulfentrazone is primarily due to a relatively high rate of metabolism of the herbicide compared to coffee senna.
机译:与野外观察一致,镰刀菌对次磺隆具有相当大的耐受性,而番泻叶在温室试验中对这种除草剂表现出较高的敏感性。高达12.9μM的除草剂对两种物种的萌发均没有抑制作用。然而,除草剂处理的咖啡番泻叶子叶的叶绿素含量大大降低,幼苗在处理后10 d内死亡,而镰刀类幼苗并未受到明显影响。在0.5 kg ai ha〜(-1)时,次磺隆将咖啡番泻叶的芽高抑制90%,而在2.0 kg ai ha〜(-1)时镰刀菌的生长不受影响。在番泻叶中,放射性带状次磺sulf的根吸收量比镰刀豆高74%,但在12 h后从这两个物种的芽中回收的放射性量没有变化。根除草剂暴露9 h后,咖啡番泻叶组织中保留了83%的母体化合物。相比之下,镰刀菌通过根部吸收相对较少的次en,而在咖啡叶中代谢的次sulf比咖啡番泻叶更快,在暴露的前9小时内,有91.6%的除草剂被代谢。这些结果表明镰刀足类对次磺隆的耐受性主要是由于与咖啡番泻叶相比,除草剂的新陈代谢速率较高。



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