首页> 外文期刊>Weed Science >Glyphosate Hinders Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) and Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) Tuber Production

Glyphosate Hinders Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) and Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) Tuber Production

机译:草甘膦阻碍了紫色坚果(Cyperus rotundus)和黄色坚果(Cyperus esculentus)块茎的生产

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The phase-out of methyl bromide requires alternative nutsedge management options in vegetable systems. Options that target tuber production, the primary means of reproduction, will be most beneficial. A study was conducted to evaluate the response of purple nutsedge and yellow nutsedge foliar growth and tuber production to a range of glyphosate rates. Glyphosate was applied at six rates between 0.41 and 2.57 kg ae ha−1 to 5-wk-old nutsedge plants with multiple shoots. The rate of glyphosate needed to reduce growth 50% (I50) was similar for purple nutsedge foliar growth (0.58 kg ha−1) and tuber biomass (0.55 kg ha−1). In contrast, I50 for yellow nutsedge foliar growth was 0.73 kg ha−1, which was greater than the I50 for tuber biomass (0.41 kg ha−1). First-order tubers, those directly attached to the initial tuber, had an I50 of 0.70 and 0.44 kg ha−1 of glyphosate for purple nutsedge and yellow nutsedge tuber biomass, respectively. For all higher-order tubers, I50 values ranged from 0.29 to 0.60 and 0.14 to 0.30 kg ha−1 of glyphosate for purple nutsedge and yellow nutsedge tuber biomass, respectively. Glyphosate at 0.74 kg ha−1 prevented fourth-order purple nutsedge and third-order yellow nutsedge tuber production (terminal tubers for yellow nutsedge). Fifth- and sixth-order purple nutsedge tuber production was eliminated by the lowest tested rate of glyphosate (0.41 kg ha−1). Effective nutsedge management options will require consistent control between spring and autumn crops. Glyphosate is economical, poses no herbicide carryover issues to vegetables, and minimizes nutsedge tuber production; therefore, it is a suitable candidate to manage nutsedges
机译:逐步淘汰甲基溴需要在蔬菜系统中使用替代性的边际管理方法。以块茎生产为主要繁殖手段的选择将是最有益的。进行了一项研究,以评估紫色无花果和黄色无花果叶的生长以及块茎产量对一系列草甘膦速率的响应。草甘膦以0.41到2.57 kg ae ha-1的六种比率施用于5周龄的有多芽的八角茴香植物。草甘膦减少生长50%(I50)所需的速率与紫色胡桃叶生长(0.58 kg ha-1)和块茎生物量(0.55 kg ha-1)相似。相反,黄色无核叶面生长的I50为0.73 kg ha-1,大于块茎生物量的I50(0.41 kg ha-1)。一阶块茎,即那些直接附着在初始块茎上的块茎,其草甘膦的I50分别为0.70和0.44 kg ha-1的草甘膦,分别用于紫色和红色的块茎生物量。对于所有高阶块茎,草甘膦生物量的草甘膦的I50值分别为草甘膦的0.29至0.60和0.14至0.30 kg ha-1。草甘膦在0.74 kg ha-1时阻止了四阶紫色八角和三阶黄色八角的生产(黄色八角的末端块茎)。草甘膦的最低测试速度(0.41 kg ha-1)消除了五阶和六阶紫色purple的块茎生产。有效的营养管理选项将需要对春季和秋季作物进行一致的控制。草甘膦是经济的,不会给蔬菜带来除草剂残留问题,并最大程度地减少了块茎的生产。因此,它是管理坚果的合适人选



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