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Enhanced treatment for Tianjin


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China long ago embraced the private sector, not least in the provision of water and wastewater services. Nevertheless, the examples of standalone build-operate-transfer projects in the industry remain as rare in China as elsewhere among emerging economies. One of the latest manifestations of this form of procurement is now taking shape in the coastal city of Tianjin, 140km south-east of the capital Beijing. With work already begun on clearing a site, construction is due to start this September at the Jie Yuan water treatment works, to run until April 2005. US-based Earth Tech, the leader of a joint venture, is already operating the existing inadequate treatment unit while it leads construction to raise its capacity to 500,000m~3/day. When work ends, the company, which is also responsible for financing construction, will operate old and new facilities for the remaining 17 years.
机译:中国很久以前就接受了私营部门的支持,尤其是在提供水和废水服务方面。然而,与其他新兴经济体相比,该行业中独立的建造,运营,转让项目的例子在中国仍然很少。这种采购形式的最新体现之一,是在首都北京东南140公里的沿海城市天津。由于清理场地的工作已经开始,捷原水处理厂的建造工作将于今年9月开始,一直运行到2005年4月。总部位于美国的Earth Tech是合资企业的负责人,已经在运营现有的处理能力不足的工厂。在引导施工的同时将其产能提高到500,000m〜3 / day。工作结束后,该公司还负责筹资建设,将在剩余的17年中运营新旧设施。



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