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Clarifying Regional Water Scarcity in Agriculture based on the Theory of Blue, Green and Grey Water Footprints


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Water scarcity mitigation in regional agricultural systems contributes to water use efficiency improvement. Blue (WSIblue), green (WSIgreen) and grey (WSIgrey) water scarcity indices were proposed to describe various water stresses in detail and further determine the type of regional water scarcity. WSIblue and WSIgreen reveal resource-based water scarcities, and WSIgrey characterizes environment-based water shortages. Provincial water scarcity indices of China from 2000-2014 were calculated and analyzed in the current paper. The results indicated that the national WSI, WSIgrey, WSIblue and WSIgreen values are 0.84, 0.16, 0.39 and 0.89, respectively. China is facing a high water stress, manifested as a resource-based water shortage. Northwest and Northeast China experience a severe water quantity scarcity with high WSIblue and WSIgreen values, and the central and eastern regions exhibit a high WSIgrey value. Eastern China faces both serious resource-based and environmental water shortages. The constructed blue, green and grey water scarcity indices compensate for the inability of the existing index to determine the type of water shortage and indicate the reason for water scarcity. They also provide a targeted guiding significance for the formulation of effective measures to improve agricultural water resource management and alleviate regional water scarcity.
机译:在区域农业系统水资源短缺的缓解有助于水分利用效率的提高。蓝色(WSIblue),绿(WSIgreen)和灰色(WSIgrey)的缺水指数提出来描述在细节上的各种水应力和进一步确定区域水资源短缺的类型。 WSIblue和WSIgreen揭示资源型水短缺和WSIgrey表征环境为基础的水资源短缺问题。从2000-2014的中国省域水资源稀缺指数进行了计算,并在目前的分析了。结果表明,全国节水灌溉,WSIgrey,WSIblue和WSIgreen值是0.84,0.16,0.39分别和0.89。中国正面临着高水压力,表现为资源型缺水。西北和东北地区中国经历了严重的水短缺量高WSIblue和WSIgreen值,以及中部和东部地区呈现出高WSIgrey值。中国东部地区正面临着严重的资源型和环境用水短缺。所构建的蓝色,绿色和灰色水短缺指数补偿现有的索引的无法确定缺水的类型和指示用于水短缺的原因。他们还提供了有效的措施,提高农业水资源管理和缓解区域水资源短缺的制定有针对性的指导意义。




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