首页> 外文期刊>Water Research >Enrichment processes of arsenic in oxidic sedimentary rocks — From geochemical and genetic characterization to potential mobility

Enrichment processes of arsenic in oxidic sedimentary rocks — From geochemical and genetic characterization to potential mobility


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Sedimentary marine iron ores of Jurassic age and Tertiary marine sandy sediments containing iron hydroxides concretions have been sampled from boreholes and outcrops in two study areas in Germany to examine iron and arsenic accumulation processes. Samples were analyzed for bulk rock geochemistry (INAA/ICP-OES), quantitative mineralogy (XRD with Rietveld analysis), element distribution (electron microprobe) and arsenic fraction-ation (sequential extraction). Bulk Jurassic ores contain an average arsenic content of 123 ng g~(-1) hosted in mainly goethite ooids which slowly formed in times of condensed sedimentation. Enrichment occurred syndepositionally and is therefore characterized as primary. Iron concretions in Tertiary sediments mainly consist of goethite and yield arsenic up to 1860 μg g~(-1). The accumulation process is secondary as it took place in the course of oxidation of the originally reduced marine sediments under terrestrial conditions, leading to element redistribution and local enrichment in the near-surface part. The scale of enrichment was assessed calculating Enrichment Factors, indicating that arsenic accumulation was favoured over other potential contaminants. In spite of higher bulk arsenic contents in the oxidic rocks, the mainly pyrite-hosted As pool within the reduced deeper part of the Tertiary sediments is shown to have a higher potential for remobiliza-tion and creation of elevated arsenic concentrations in groundwater.
机译:在德国的两个研究区,从钻孔和露头取样了侏罗纪时期的海相沉积铁矿石和含氢氧化铁凝结物的三次海相沙质沉积物,以研究铁和砷的积累过程。分析了样品的块状岩石地球化学(INAA / ICP-OES),定量矿物学(具有Rietveld分析的XRD),元素分布(电子探针)和砷分离(顺序萃取)。侏罗纪块状矿石的平均砷含量为123 ng g〜(-1),主要存在于针铁矿中,在凝结沉淀时缓慢形成。富集发生在沉积中,因此被表征为主要的。第三纪沉积物中的铁凝结物主要由针铁矿组成,砷含量高达1860μgg〜(-1)。积累过程是次要的,因为它是在陆地条件下原始还原的海洋沉积物发生氧化的过程中发生的,从而导致了近地表部分元素的重新分布和局部富集。通过计算富集因子评估了富集规模,表明砷的积累比其他潜在污染物更受青睐。尽管氧化岩中的砷含量较高,但在第三纪沉积物较深的较深部分,以黄铁矿为主的As池显示出较高的复活潜力,并能提高地下水中的砷浓度。



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