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Groups Threaten Suit To Force Stringent EPA Fish Consumption Standards


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Environmentalists in Washington state and Idaho are warning they plan to sue EPA for failing to ensure those states' water quality criteria adequately protect subsistence fishers even though the agency has urged both states to adopt stringent criteria for toxics. Earthjustice, on behalf of a coalition of local Washington state groups, set a July 23 notice of intent (NOI) to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and EPA Region X Administrator Dennis McLerran, claiming that the agency has failed to act on its non-discretionary duty to promulgate a fish consumption rate for the state that protects waterbodies' designated uses, including subsistence fishing for some populations in the state. Relevant documents are available on Insideepa.com. Seepage 2 for details. (DocID: 2442119)
机译:华盛顿州和爱达荷州的环保主义者警告说,他们计划起诉EPA,因为他们未能确保这两个州的水质标准足以保护自给渔民,尽管该机构已敦促两个州采用严格的有毒物质标准。 Earthjustice代表华盛顿当地州团体的联盟,于7月23日向EPA管理员Gina McCarthy和EPA Region X管理员Dennis McLerran发出了意向通知(NOI),称该机构未能履行其非酌处责任为保护水体指定用途的州颁布鱼类消费率,包括对该州某些人口的自给性捕鱼。有关文档可在Insideepa.com上找到。有关详细信息,请参见第2页。 (文档ID:2442119)



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