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EPA Settlement With Drilling Company Sets Model For Wastewater Recycling


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EPA's recent Clean Water Act (CWA) settlement with XTO Energy, a subsidiary of oil giant Exxon Mobil, details an expansive program for recycling wastewater generated from the company's natural gas drilling operations in the Northeast's Marcellus Shale region, including setting criteria that could be a national model for managing recycling operations. The terms of the July 18 settlement agreement provide insights into several safeguards EPA may be considering in its oversight of recycling, including how a company can demonstrate it has recycled wastewater "to the maximum extent practicable" and how wastewater awaiting recycling treatment should be stored to protect against spills and accidental releases. Relevant documents are available on Insideepa.com. Seepage 2 for details. (Doc ID: 2441428) The settlement comes as the agency appears to be increasingly looking to encourage recycling of oil and gas waste-water as the practice increases to limit the volume of freshwater used in hydraulic fracturing operations and to avoid disposal and treatment issues.
机译:EPA最近与石油巨头埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)的子公司XTO Energy(XTO Energy)达成的《清洁水法》(CWA)解决方案详细说明了一项回收计划,该计划将公司在东北马塞勒斯页岩地区的天然气钻探活动产生的废水进行再循环,包括设定可能是回收管理国家模式。 7月18日达成的和解协议的条款提供了有关EPA在回收管理中可能考虑的几种保障措施的见解,包括公司如何证明其“最大程度地”回收了废水,以及如何将等待回收处理的废水存储到防止溢出和意外泄漏。有关文档可在Insideepa.com上找到。有关详细信息,请参见第2页。 (文件ID:2441428)之所以达成和解,是因为该机构似乎越来越希望鼓励油气废水的循环利用,因为这种做法越来越多,以限制在水力压裂作业中使用的淡水量,并避免处置和处理问题。



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