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EPA IG Urges Congress To Boost FY16 Funds, Fight Proposed Payroll Cut

机译:EPA IG敦促国会增加FY16资金,与拟议的减薪斗争

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EPA's Inspector General (IG) Arthur Elkins Jr. is urging Congress to boost the Office of Inspector General's (OIG) overall budget in fiscal year 2016 beyond President Obama's requested levels and to reject a proposed cut to the OIG's payroll, warning that existing funding means the IG is hindering investigations of fraud, waste and abuse. "The budget levels made available to me are impeding our ability to do our work.... When the OIG is not able to carry out its responsibilities because of inadequate funding, it is a net loss to the federal government and American taxpayers," Elkins said in testimony to a Feb. 3 House Oversight & Government Reform Committee hearing on agency IGs' access to documents, which also included testimony from IGs at two other agencies. "I know this is not an appropriations committee, but I ask for any help you can provide us in this regard," he said of efforts to push for greater funding than the president floated in his Feb. 2 FY16 budget plan. Similarly, Elkins sent a Jan. 30 letter to Shaun Donovan, director of the White House Office of Management & Budget, asking either the White House or Congress to roll back what he describes as a $276,000 total reduction to OIG's staffing account in the proposed budget.
机译:EPA的总监察长(IG)小亚瑟·埃尔金斯(Arthur Elkins Jr.)敦促国会在2016财年将总监察长办公室(OIG)的总体预算提高到奥巴马总统要求的水平之上,并拒绝提议削减OIG的工资总额,警告说现有资金意味着IG阻碍了对欺诈,浪费和滥用的调查。 “提供给我的预算水平阻碍了我们开展工作的能力……。如果监察办因资金不足而无法履行职责,这将给联邦政府和美国纳税人带来净损失,”埃尔金斯(Elkins)在2月3日众议院监督与政府改革委员会的听证会上作证,该听证会涉及机构IG获得文件的途径,其中还包括来自其他两个机构的IG的证词。他说:“我知道这不是一个拨款委员会,但是我希望您能在这方面提供任何帮助。”他努力争取筹集比总统在2月2日FY16预算计划中浮动的资金更多的努力。同样,埃尔金斯在1月30日给白宫管理与预算局局长肖恩·多诺万(Shaun Donovan)的信中,要求白宫或国会撤回他所说的OIG在拟议预算中减少的人事费总额276,000美元。 。



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