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EPA Officials Push Back On GOP Criticism Of LCR's Role In Flint Crisis


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EPA water officials are pushing back against some Republican lawmakers' suggestion that the agency's failure to update its lead and copper rule (LCR) since 1991 contributed to the Flint, MI, drinking water crisis, while also saying the agency is considering a wide range of comments in deciding how to revise the rule. "I do not accept the conclusion that says the reason things went wrong [in Flint] is because you have a rule that was broken," EPA drinking water chief Peter Grevatt told drinking water utilities March 21. "If a rule, no matter how good it is, is implemented poorly, that rule is not gonna protect the public. You need people who are rolling up their sleeves. You cannot do that with a good rule alone, you have to make sure everyone is playing their part."
机译:EPA的水务官员正在抵制一些共和党议员的建议,该机构自1991年以来未更新其铅和铜规则(LCR)助长了密歇根州弗林特的饮用水危机,同时还表示该机构正在考虑范围广泛的决定如何修改规则的评论。 EPA饮用水负责人彼得·格雷瓦特(Peter Grevatt)于3月21日对饮用水公司说:“我不接受说(弗林特)出问题的原因的结论是因为您违反了一条规则。”好的是,实施得不好,规则不能保护公众。您需要袖手旁观的人。您不能仅凭一个好的规则来做到这一点,必须确保每个人都在发挥自己的作用。”



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