首页> 外文期刊>Water, air and soil pollution >Influence of Freshwater Sediment Characteristics on Persistence of Fecal Indicator Bacteria

Influence of Freshwater Sediment Characteristics on Persistence of Fecal Indicator Bacteria


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Extended persistence of enteric bacteria in coastal sediments and potential remobilization of pathogens during natural turbulence or human activities may induce an increased risk of human infections. In this study, the effect of sediment characteristics such as particle grain size and nutrient and organic matter contents on the survival of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) including total coliforms, Escherichia coli, and Enterococcus was investigated. The experimentation was carried out for 50 days in microcosms containing lake water and different contaminated freshwater sediments in continuous-flow and batch conditions. Results of this study revealed: (1) extended FIB survival in sediments up to 50 days, (2) higher growth and lower decay rates of FIB in sediments with high levels of organic matter and nutrients and small (mainly silt) grain size, and (3) longer survival of Enterococcus sp. compared to E. coli and total coliforms. FIB survival in sediments and possible resuspension are of considerable significance for the understanding of permanent microbial pollution in water column and therefore human risk during recreational activities.
机译:肠道细菌在沿海沉积物中的持续存留时间延长以及自然湍流或人类活动期间病原体的潜在迁移可能导致人类感染风险增加。在这项研究中,研究了诸如颗粒大小,营养物和有机物含量等沉积物特征对粪便指示菌(FIB)(包括总大肠菌群,大肠杆菌和肠球菌)存活的影响。在包含湖泊水和不同污染的淡水沉积物的缩影中,以连续流动和分批条件进行了50天的实验。这项研究的结果表明:(1)沉积物中FIB的生存期可延长至50天;(2)有机质和营养成分含量高且颗粒尺寸较小(主要是淤泥)的沉积物中FIB的生长速度更快,衰变速率更低;以及(3)肠球菌的生存期更长。与大肠杆菌和大肠菌群相比。 FIB在沉积物中的存活以及可能的重新悬浮对于理解水柱中的永久性微生物污染以及娱乐活动中的人为风险具有重要意义。



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