首页> 外文期刊>Water, Air, & Soil Pollution >Roe Deer Antlers as Historical Bioindicators of Lead Pollution in the Vicinity of a Lead Smelter, Slovenia

Roe Deer Antlers as Historical Bioindicators of Lead Pollution in the Vicinity of a Lead Smelter, Slovenia


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Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) antlers are a useful tool for historical biomonitoring because they accumulate potential bone-seeking pollutants (Pb) and are naturally standardized environmental samples. Lead concentrations were measured in 45 antlers of roe deer, shot in the period 1925–2003 in the Upper Meža Valley, Slovenia, where lead production started at the end of the nineteenth century. Extremely high levels of lead were determined in the antlers (mean (SD) 54.7 (33.5) mg/kg, dry weight; range 2.69–554 mg/kg), exceeding previously reported levels of Pb in roe deer antlers from Europe. After the cessation of primary lead production in 1989, lead levels in antlers have been declining but are still high (period 2000–2003: mean (SD) 5.81 (6.60) mg/kg; range 2.69–7.74 mg/kg) compared with other areas of Slovenia. Spatial comparison confirmed that the lead contamination declines with distance from the emission source. The study confirmed the exceptional potential of roe deer antlers as a bioindicator of lead contamination of the environment.
机译:historical鹿角是历史生物监测的有用工具,因为它们会积聚潜在的寻骨头污染物(Pb),并且是自然标准化的环境样品。在1925-2003年期间在斯洛文尼亚的Meža山谷上游拍摄的45头鹿角中测量了铅的浓度,该铅的生产始于19世纪末。鹿角中的铅含量极高(平均(标准差)54.7(33.5)mg / kg,干重;范围2.69–554 mg / kg),超过了欧洲先前报道的ro鹿角中的Pb含量。 1989年基本铅生产停止后,鹿角中的铅含量一直在下降,但仍然很高(2000-2003年期间:平均(SD)5.81(6.60)mg / kg;范围2.69-7.74 mg / kg)斯洛文尼亚地区。空间比较证实铅污染随着与排放源距离的增加而降低。该研究证实了as鹿角作为导致环境铅污染的生物指标的巨大潜力。



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